Also he is not the only reason I am in rough shape. I am doing therapy and my issues started long before N. My mom was an N big time.
You posted this a ways back in the thread. I just want to say that you, like me and like many of the people here, are going thru immensely painful change: Not only were we hurt and burned by our N, but (1) many of us were shocked to learn that the person who burned us was an N, and (2) then we see that we became involved with the N because we were raised by Ns.
So, these realizations are REALLY shocking. Now, we have to (or choose to) review our entire lives and try to sort thru the mess.
It's exhausting and depressing, yet, for many of us, we would never go back to the days when we were unaware of the Nism in our lives.
So Sea, I just wanted to acknowledge the enormity of your stuggle and tell you you are doing so well moving forward.