Well, just as I was starting to think I was going to just grin and bear it at work, I got a call from another company that I applied to. It is a company which sells beauty items.....make up, shampoos, flat irons, nail polish........that kind of thing. The job I have been holding my breath on was fashion retail. Anyway, I have an interview tomorrow morning and we'll see. I cannot imagine they could pay me what I want and I was surprised that the fashion store would. I guess there is ots of margin in fashion......anyway..............I don't really care so I'll bet I interview really well. If I am not really wanting a job I do great. Maybe it will grow on me........but I still am angry that the new DM didn't even call me for an interview. After being interviewed four times and being assured that this new DM was less worried about fashion and more worried about day to day activities like hiring and training and making sure the customer is helped, etc. That's what I am all about, Mentoring the staff. Teaching. Training. Helping customers. So I still don't understand why but I guess I have to let it go. I feel sorry for whoever gets the position because the store has been functioning without a manager for over three months....