Thank you LR and GS
Yes, this is a sore point with me.
No. 1 is that I never receive a "thank you" for any gifts I send. A simple acknowledgement is the courteous thing to do. I am wondering if she just expects this, come times for gifts. i would feel 'guilty if I did not acknowledge certain occasions.
That leads to my feeling that her feelings toward me are total indifference.--just a bother. To me that is worse than hating me.
I emailed her last night as I knew she would be on her computer. (But then one of her excuses about lack of contact is that she is seldom on her computer. She emailed back, but did I 'catch her in the act'?)
There is also the feeling of abandonment--it is in there somewhere from the early years, then she did abandon me, on her husband's say so, in 1991.
The way things have gone when she came to her senses , left her husband, then divorced him have not led me to believe that there will ever be a reconciliation---never a total one.
I really ought to leave her alone--it's upsetting, like thinking about an N to much.
thanks for your input
Izzy--(still building web pages.)
I saw this on the patricia Evans Post---
Controllers use verbal abuse to subtly undermine their victim's perceptions, to manipulate them into doing what they want, to foster dependency, to isolate them from truth, from outside contact and even from their own children. They may withhold information while lying to their victim.. Controllers create confusion, emotional pain and mental anguish, while periodically "rescuing" their victim by seeming to offer the balm of love that alleviates the victim's pain drawing the victim ever closer. Controllers gain and maintain power over people while often presenting a perfect persona to the world.
My God! Am I being controlled by my daughter? That push/pull, push/pull................yikes!