Author Topic: Conflict Resolution via this Board  (Read 3612 times)


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Re: Conflict Resolution via this Board
« Reply #15 on: March 03, 2007, 03:56:45 PM »
I'm having a rather difficult time seeing what Leah has done wrong here.
She voluntarily pulled a thread she had started which as far as I can see she has every right to do.
So what's the problem and why does she seem singled out for unsolicited advice?

I find FS's post particularly troubling. I suspect FS is a regular poster who has assumed an alias to post something he/she probably wouldn't under his/her regular name. The post seemingly starts and ends in an even handed fashion but the body of it is reserved for a dressing down of Leah.

I've been accused in the past of sticking up for my friends. If that was true I'm not sure it is a criticism. But in fact, on the rare occasions I do stick up for someone, it is when I see someone being unfairly criticised or pushed around, friend or not. I see that happening here.



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Re: Conflict Resolution via this Board
« Reply #16 on: March 03, 2007, 04:42:36 PM »
I got struck dumb on Monday and have been reading and not posting ever since.  I couldn't have said it better than Mud just did.

"We all shine on, like the moon, and the stars, and the sun."
John Lennon


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Re: Conflict Resolution via this Board
« Reply #17 on: March 03, 2007, 05:32:38 PM »
Can I ask...
the board is a real place but also a software program written by somebody who wasn't worried about voicelessness, but about building in functionaility to a board format (Simple Machines forum). So technically, it could be a cooking forum, or travel, or whatever...something not emtionally charged.

So what I'm wondering is, did the prohibition about "pulling posts" actually come from somewhere, or did it sort of rise without consensus, as somebody translated it as a bad-faith thing?

I know because I became aware that the technology not only allows me to edit or delete my own posts, but also any thread I began...I have gone on the assumption that because it's a cyberspace, then I have to play by the rules and limitations of the equipment, so to speak.

I have pulled and/or locked a couple threads in the past. I do understand opinions/preferences on both ends of it. But I don't think there is any rule that one can't delete a thread.

So I wonder if it would help for people to just keep that in mind. Be aware that it's a living conversation and not a permanent journal?

Maybe people who don't want to lose anything, could copy it somehow?

Technical stuff is beyond me, but I figure I can't drive a car unless I learn how it works...

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Re: Conflict Resolution via this Board
« Reply #18 on: March 03, 2007, 06:15:06 PM »
So what I'm wondering is, did the prohibition about "pulling posts" actually come from somewhere, or did it sort of rise without consensus, as somebody translated it as a bad-faith thing?

Good question.



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Re: Conflict Resolution via this Board
« Reply #19 on: March 03, 2007, 06:43:01 PM »
so I bought baguettes and baked some brie, steamed asparagus and made a salad, and we went to a gourmet shop and each picked our favorite truffle! 

Well Mud I don't know that answer but from the above post. I think we should all go to CB's house and discuss it.



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Re: Conflict Resolution via this Board
« Reply #20 on: March 03, 2007, 07:00:54 PM »
and again I will say that, although there is NO RULE that someone cannot delete their own thread, I believe that there SHOULD be, since, in reality, you can't take back the words you speak in a conversation.  Being able to delete posts, gives a false-reality to life in my viewpoint.


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Re: Conflict Resolution via this Board
« Reply #21 on: March 03, 2007, 08:16:43 PM »

I started to post when Leah protested posting a newspaper article on rape.  I posted the article with a CAUTION that the srticle was about a rape.Then Laeh complained that I sholdn't have posetd the article because it was a copyright newspaper artcile.  I asked Leah why the copyright newspaper article was any different from the copyright material she posts all over the board.  I felt that by not posting the article was making the discussion of rape voiceless.  Just because she did not want to discuss rape doesn't mean others can't discuss it.  Not leting other people discuss something is voicelessness

Now Leah has this war with Jac.  I like reading here, but this war is negative.  Hops tried to give leah a gentle nudge to stop the war, but she didn't take the hint.  I read this board to learn about narcisism and I think she's acting narcissitically by not letting this war die and by defending over and over again.  Let it die and move on.



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Re: Conflict Resolution via this Board
« Reply #23 on: March 03, 2007, 09:17:30 PM »
Like Sea, when there are quotes from the bible on here I do one of these, Huh?
I didn’t get it in catholic school and am sure not going to get it now.  Nor do I think that anyone was ever preaching on here.  It’s just their own thing something they like, something they believe in.  I skip over the parts of bible quotes but I always get something out of the post.
I don’t really care if anyone judges me. The only thing that matters is how I judge myself and I only have to answer for my own actions. Sometimes are we striving to be so perfect that we forget imperfection is a part of life. So I guess the closest I’m ever going to get to be perfect is to realize I am not. There is nothing wrong with a disagreement.  I learn out of disagreements.  I’ll be totally honest. When I disagree I will listen, if I still feel that I am correct with my disagreement, you can talk to me till you are blue in the face, it will not change my mind but I won’t hang on to it. I probably would not address it any longer.  What is the sense? I’m never going to see it your way and your never going to see it mine.  It doesn’t mean I would stop being friends with the person(s) it just means we don’t see eye-to-eye. 
Don’t be afraid to post any more Sea or anyone else. If our marriages/friends/ family/Jobs  were as verbal and committed as this board (with conflict and all) we wouldn’t be on here or know each other.  What’s that telling us all?
Maybe we feel like an online family?
And now I am done.


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Re: Conflict Resolution via this Board
« Reply #24 on: March 03, 2007, 09:28:05 PM »
to me it is just sad when people can so blatantly say that scriptures do not affect them one way or the other.  I will be praying for you is all I can say, because, voicelessness board or not, what matters is what happens in eternity, not on this planet


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Re: Conflict Resolution via this Board
« Reply #25 on: March 04, 2007, 02:54:12 AM »

 Jesus loves

Sea storm