I have to admit that I also struggle with being a fellow-labeler. When I first began to see that former people in my life actually had NAMES for their cruel behaviors, it excited me. I began picking out the BPD'S the NPD'S the AVOIDANTS, etc. It angered people and made them feel awful.
The problem is, I'm FASCINATED by the human mind and Psychology! It takes everything in me to not say "oh they are a narcissist" or "they are so BPD"...again, just being honest. It gave me a sense of having the control back over my own life, when I finally confronted a person and said "the reason you hurt me was because you are a narcissist. I forgive you, but now at least I understand that YOU are also one who was a victim." To me, labeling became a cozy friend, to help me find sense through the horrors I endured, though not as bad as some, bad enough.
My spiritual Mom has been awesome in helping me learn to walk in other people's shoes, as far as not wanting to be labeled. I still have an urge to slap a tag on people I meet or read the text of. It's very tempting for me and a definite struggle.
One thing, after the label, then what? Then I get angry because 9 times out of 10, the N's of the world are not going to see their issues nor do anything to change them. So, telling them they are Narcissists...what good did it do? In fact, it probably was just another bit of AMMO for them to use on me later, saying "look at you! you are the judgemental one, Laura! you have NO PROOF that I'm what you say. I got tested and went to counseling and they found NOTHING!" In other words, even giving it a label, if the person does have those issues, they will flip the blame back onto you, so what's the point, other than maybe realizing what the behaviors represent for yourself, personally, so you don't get caught in their webs.
It's a tough situation, but I'm just being honest with you all again. I have labeled people and still sometimes struggle with it. I'm just now starting to grasp why a person who is labeled, doesn't just run out and get help, believing that the label is true, just because the behaviors fit the description of it.