. I think we play victim, hero and villain role. Well I did.
As the victim we feel we were wronged and innocent to the attacks, powerless to them. We either fight, flee or wait for it to change or someone to rescue us. We bitch and complain, blame the person who is the villain and is responsible for us being the victim.
How could you do this to me. Why don't you just leave me alone. Can't you just stop then all would be good.
Then we become the hero. We are going to protect ourselves. Defend our interest. We take a stand although we are afraid. We do what we have to. We are going to save ourselves at all cost. No matter what it takes.
Then we feel like the villain when we take control. Go to hell. I don't care what you think. Throw them out, take them to court. We begin to think we are being selfish and mean. How dare us to take control without concern on the impact of others. We manipulate ourselves into becoming the victim again.
It's the drama triangle.
Now this is usually done with another person where you can meet in the middle. Work with the other person to solve the problem. Now us being with N's know that is about as much as hell freezing over. I feel that the other person(N) was not really a person just a shell of one, nothing inside to work with. Never going to see or hear what you have to say. Not interested in solving anything because to them there is nothing wrong with them just you.
They did what they wanted. Slept like babies. Traveled did whatever they do without a conflict.
I had kept playing all those roles within myself. This was the beginning of solving my own conflict/drama. I had to listen to myself look at the problem not my person then I could start to resolve them without judging myself. Stop playing all roles. It's not easy to do so don't be so hard on yourself. Sea even after my exN and getting rid of him I chose to become friends with an N.
I had seen that this triangle had started again when I became friends with my N friend and stepped outside it and looked listenend to myself and seen I was playing all those roles again. I resolved that by saying No, adios and stopped being friends. I ended the drama.