Author Topic: narcisism?  (Read 9975 times)


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« Reply #45 on: March 16, 2004, 02:48:35 PM »
You are cool portia lol. Thanks for the qoute.

This is a tricky time for me right now. I'm working through a lot of stuff in the past, and how I feel about it, and being at home just isn't the best place to be, when thats going on!
I mean if it could mean 'me' changing as a person, I can see a possibility of running into conflict, or arouse conflict rather, (even though, being the nice chap that I am, I wouldn't be doing anything bad in particular), just might be hard to hide my moods. Maybe I'm catastophising.
Anyway, I will bide my time for now, and see what disaster awaits, while saving these pennies! I'm doubting my ability to keep it together though:(.


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« Reply #46 on: March 17, 2004, 10:58:05 AM »
Quote from: cj

This is a tricky time for me right now. I'm working through a lot of stuff in the past, and how I feel about it, and being at home just isn't the best place to be, when thats going on!

Hmmm. Not sure if theres irony in that.

Quote CJ: Me, me, me, me!

(Scared of becoming a narcisisist. :) )


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« Reply #47 on: March 22, 2004, 08:26:24 AM »
I'd just like to share this.

Portia, your story about hearing the song on the radio? At first, it reminded me of one time i was signing along to the radio when I was a teenager, and my mother coming through from the kitchen and saying 'can't you just listen to it???'  because she was in a mood. In retrospect it makes me wonder how she could be so annoyed by the sound of her own child expressing happiness (I loved music, still do)....
But more specifically, it reminded me of when I used to daydream as a child.

I used to daydream about stuff, when i was young. I recal one time I was sitting watching t.v. with my mother, and I retreated into a imaginative daydream. This annoyed my mother though, probably because she wasn't allowed access to this this inner world, and/or wasn't being shared with her, and she'd say something like 'whats wrong????' like, annoyed. In retrospect I think my mum was scared of me. Or scared of something, always.  She was very practical as well (re: 'dreaming') .

Its sad really.