Author Topic: hello and have a great weekend everyone  (Read 3096 times)


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hello and have a great weekend everyone
« on: March 19, 2004, 03:20:23 PM »

Thought I would just post, say hello, etc.

I have definately decided to divorce N.  Those of you who saw my last posts know some of the questions I was struggling to make this decision.  

He left the country for an extended trip starting last weekend.  I felt better the minute I dropped him off at the airport, although I knew that most likely it was the end of our marriage.  

Since then, while assembling things like financial documents, I have come across evidence that he is more deceptive than I ever imagined.  He has basically been carrying on with ANOTHER woman - not the original OW- in the past few months, even as we were undergoing marriage counseling.  Basically lying to me and the counselor with a straight face.  All the while complaining about how I had withdrawn from him and how I insisted on being a victim.

Completely intolerable and unforgivable.  I am still amazed at the depth and degree of his deception.  I also found out that he lied to me about the extent of his physical relationship with the first OW - something that I was already pretty sure about.  

I had already decided that divorce was my best option, but now I have no doubts at all and no more tormenting myself about whether it is ethical to leave him.   I wrote before that I was looking for signs - well I got them.  When our mutual friends ask why, I will tell it to them straight - infidelity and dishonesty.  No reason for me to protect him.  

I am still in a state of shock, but I am trying to take steps as soon as possible to file for divorce and protect myself financially.  There is a lot of stuff I need to do.   I hope he does not return from his trip early, although I plan to move quickly.   Considering the way he has treated me as his wife, I have no illusions about how he will try to treat me when I try to get a fair settlement.  

So it's not a pretty outcome, and there is no doubt to be lots of shit yet to come.  But I am already free of him in the most important way possible.

I am going out of town with friends for the weekend and trying to make extra efforts to meet friends for dinner, etc.  It is helping me to feel supported.  I hope that all of you can find similar support close by!

The forum is wonderful, it has helped me so much to have your feedback in trying to reach this point.

Peace, Pandora


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hello and have a great weekend everyone
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2004, 03:28:05 PM »
Good luck Pandora and this is a good move!  I'm glad you don't have any more doubts and no reason to lay blame on yourself.  Life is too short!  Time to invest in only healthy people. have a good one!  Surf
"In life pain is inevitable, suffering is optional".


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Hang in there!
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2004, 03:41:05 PM »

Hang in there . . . the best is yet to come!  I feel for you having to go through all of this.  Good for you for not taking it anymore.  Life is short and nobody should be treated that way.

You say you are "still in a state of shock" . . . just keep going right on through that grief cycle.   :shock: Shock is part of it . . . you will get to the other side. :D

Good luck!



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hello and have a great weekend everyone
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2004, 05:56:44 PM »

Good for you!  :P



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hello and have a great weekend everyone
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2004, 08:54:23 PM »
Hi Pandora,
It sounds like you know that you've made the right decision. That's an important stage.
Good Luck!



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hello and have a great weekend everyone
« Reply #5 on: March 19, 2004, 10:39:20 PM »
Pandora: So sorry you had to see him for real, but it is always the best way, it makes it so much easier that way.  And good for you for being sure enough to know that what he did in marriage is what you will see in divorce...only worse, cause now he will know that you know the game is up, and it wasn't about you, it was all about him.  

Take it one day at a time. You are a strong, smart woman. I admire your courage.  Stay close to all of the people here who care for you, and will support you.  Hugs. Sally


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hello and have a great weekend everyone
« Reply #6 on: March 20, 2004, 10:33:13 PM »
Hi Pandora,
I am so relieved that you will finally be free of him... Eventually, life will be good again.  I am sure that in the mean time, there will be tough times.  But I am glad you are talking to friends and you have such clarity and resolve!
I have been reading your posts, and I have been able to relate in some ways.  My N has not had an affair (that I know of).  But the language and the patterns are similar.  I'm still in the confusion about how to resolve this, but I wanted you to know that your story has helped me to detect subtle patterns and unhealthy behaviors in my situation.  Thank you for your honesty.
Congratulations again on freeing yourself.  Do continue to take care of you!
Peace! sjkravill


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hello and have a great weekend everyone
« Reply #7 on: March 21, 2004, 06:38:16 AM »
good luck Pandora, you know you need to get this deceitful guy out of your life to be happy.

I am going out of town with friends for the weekend and trying to make extra efforts to meet friends for dinner, etc. It is helping me to feel supported. I hope that all of you can find similar support close by!

I think it makes all the difference to have some 'together' affirming friends, and I've posted about this before, but I avoid negative people in life now, can't cope with them. The quality of friendships is really important.

I haven't told old friends and family about our split- I don't need to deal with their emotions/reactions right now. We've split before and I found it draining all the pressure to go back and try again, and no one really knew what he was really like.

Take care of yourself.


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hello and have a great weekend everyone
« Reply #8 on: March 21, 2004, 06:38:49 AM »
that was me, write


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hello and have a great weekend everyone
« Reply #9 on: March 21, 2004, 11:54:56 AM »
Hi Pandora,

Clarity feels wonderful doesn't it?  When the things which were so confusing suddenly reveal themselves in a clear way?  (You discover that you are not crazy after all!!)  And in a moment, things make sense.  

Keep a journal.  Write down how you feel in this special moment.

I am a few weeks ahead of you in a very similar situation.  My input is to stay strong. Even after the moments of clarity, your emotions go up and down.  It helps me to go back and read my journal.



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hello and have a great weekend everyone
« Reply #10 on: March 22, 2004, 01:32:21 PM »
Hi Pandora,

Congratulations on your decision !!!  It will be hard for a while, but really and truly it will get better.  Always remember to believe that when it seems difficult and you are second-guessing your decision.  I have been gone for just over a year and there are still cobwebs in my brain sometimes.  But most of the time I am feeling better and better and BETTER !!

I must admit though that I was sitting here slack-jawed reading your post.  When I finally decided to leave my NH it was in very similar circumstances.  He was going away for three weeks, and like you, I felt immediate relief after leaving him at the airport.  The very next day I danced around the house for seven hours, singing Pete Seeger's song, "Oh, Freedom!"  I then called my family and friends and announced that I WAS, in fact, leaving.

In the meantime, I photocopied or printed out all of our joint financial documents, so he could not hide the money later.  I searched all of the folders in the file cabinets and every file folder in the computer.  And like you, I could not believe what I found !!

He had been "carrying on" with innumerable women on the internet since before we were married straight through to the present. Emailing them photos of his genitals, spending heaven knows how many hours on porn sites and I could go on but you get the picture.  Oh, and this is a man who was in graduate school getting his Masters of Divinity, as in he is studying to be a minister.  Mr. Holier-than thou and his secret lives !!  

As I could not afford to move out just then,  I moved into the guest room and put a lock on the inside.  I spent the rest of his "vacation" like you visiting friends for emotional support.  And when he returned.....I was ready.

When he returned, I allowed him an hour or so to tell me of his trip and then I told him calmly (but my knees were shaking!!) that I had moved out of our bedroom and that I had decided to end the marriage and that I would move out as soon as I had found an apartment.  

Within two months, two fairly miserable months of him whining and moaning and groaning, I did move out.  And as for all his protestations of undying love and begging me to was all smoke and mirrors.  He left his email open one day shortly before I moved and I discovered that within two weeks of my telling him that I was leaving, he was already carrying on with two other women and lining up two more.  

His rather graphic writing style left no doubt.  Oral sex in his car in diner parking lots with one (she was married too.) The other one had her own house, so they would meet there.  I printed out all of it and it came in handy when he didn't want to sign the paperwork.

So, I hope that I have at least amused you a little bit.  Whenever I write or tell about "my story," I think that it is so far-fetched that no one would believe it.  Reading this board, I have learned that when it comes to Ns, nothing, absolutely nothing is impossible.

So, congratulations again and again and if you falter for the least moment, come to the board for support.  You are courageous and you are healthy for believing in yourself again.  I send you a very large hug and gallons of forititude !!!

Oh yes, and please beware of my exNH, he will be ordained within the year!! Scary isn't it?


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hello and have a great weekend everyone
« Reply #11 on: March 22, 2004, 04:49:47 PM »


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hello and have a great weekend everyone
« Reply #12 on: March 23, 2004, 06:08:43 PM »
Thanks all for your support.  I am trying to move quickly.  Never thought I would need to know anything about divorce law, but WTF, I am a fast learner.  

Still feel quite anxious sometimes, but I know for sure this is the right thing to do.  My family and friends are 110% behind me.  I feel very very angry, I am trying to put it to constructive use.  

Peace, Pandora