I am feeling this way at the moment, due to someone I was hoping was ok with me, totally ignoring me, greeting others and virtually ERASING ME from her convos on this board.
sometimes people need heaing space Laura and it's not as personal as it seems.
One of the things as a bipolar I have had to come to terms with is I live life at break-neck speed because of the mania, so I want resolution for things yesterday ad have had to learn to live with almost continual feelings of 'lack of resolution' in my own time-frame.
Sometimes I have nothing extra or interesting to add to conversations either or if I do I think the timing isn't right or I can't communicate what I want to say properly...that doesn't mean I don't care about people and try to help when I do have something positive to contribute though.
I think one of the reasons we end up voiceless is because we don't hear our own voice and speak it- even if no one else is paying attention right now! One of the things I have been working on is a strong sense of self so when there doesn't feel like anyone to support me I can support myself better.
I feel saddened by any form of division and strife, among all people, preferring to look to unity (though sadly, may not be realistically possible with some or all of our N's etc.)
sometimes division is healthy- it's people being different and expressing themselves, even if one or both is unreasonable or unwilling; N is just another label really. It's another perspective and one we may not embrace or trust- but seeing things from the other person's point of view whatever that is
gives a big understanding of it's really very often not a personal thing at all.
Love for me is getting to be very open- live and let live, be as kind to myself as to others.
None of us have to be perfect, but I want to be kind!
Starting with son- who has strep throat and is resting.
We're seeing the psychologist tomorrow too after he asked his dad 'do you ever think about killing yourself?'
It's been a long tough week for lots of people it seems, but as Robert Frost said-
the only way round is through...
Take care everyone