Hello all,
first off Tinkergirl, my story about my parents is in here somewhere. I posted it a few days ago or maybe last week. In a "nut" shell

! don't believe I said that..the story is that my Nparents live next door..they have developed a hatred of my wife "because you haven't been the same person Nic since you married that woman", you know the routine..we bought a property together and now that we are not "nice" to them, they want to force a sale based on that...plus much more..but they have requested a hearing/court case to punish us, simply because they are allowed to. When you buy a property with someone else you must split it, sell it or buy the other owner(s) out..all must agree on one of the options. We wanted a split, they want an all out sale because it is the most damaging to us. I'll keep you up on the story..suffice it to say that I have to somehow explain to the judge that my parents are crazy N control freaks and that this is one out of many episodes of abuse. I called their bluff as Rosencrantz puts it, and now I'm waiting to see how much farther they are willing to go..I'm ready and so is my wife. One way or another we must get them the h ll away from us!
Rob and Rosencrantz, you need some words of encouragement. Some fellowshipping a la Nic! Please be encouraged to know for sure that as victims of these horrible Ns, we ourselves have not turned into unfeeling, horrible beasts ourselves. Of course we grieve the family that we didn't have and will do so periodically. Sometimes we'll go for years without doubting our resolve to have them out of our lives for our mental and spiritual well-being, for our marriages, for our children. It took us a great deal of courage to acknowledge our pain, our systematic and continued abuse during our entire lives up to the point when the light came on, and the angels started waiving the red flags. We simply noticed, took heed of the warning. Like pioneers we went out on a limb to check it out..and there it was. The deep crevasse of having survived this long without a voice. And now we're talking..we're spreading the news, we've got a voice, some of us louder than others, some softer..and a safe forum to express it and test it out.
But, the dark cloud of our voiceless years makes an appearance every now and then. We don't hate our parents and they don't hate us, are we agreed on that? We hate the way they were/are and we are unreachable to them especially now that we have stopped playing the game.
We are building new lives, we are doing major reconstruction and/or renovations here.
Cheer up, look up, speak up my dear friends. It hurts doesn't it, all of this, leaving what could have been but in truth never was. When you stop and think about it Rob, we're hanging on to the illusion, why? Because it feels familiar still, after all the work you've done, all the knowledge you have acquired and plus the wonderful support you have from your wife. You too Rosencrantz, your hubby totally supports you. I can understand his getting bored with all this. My wife gets real bored sometimes especially with our two little locusts living next door and their entourage. She's bored but not with me. Perhaps your hubby like my wife are just anxious to move on ( with us!!) to something better huh?
I think we have to make a conscious effort to stick to the truth. Remember we were all taught to deny our feelings, negate our importance and replace it with our parents' . As long as we worshipped them things were fine, right? remember?
No matter how much it hurts this entire situation has forced us to face ourselves. This is where we are, right now. We must concentrate on rebuilding. Let's not deny these momentary bouts of doubt.
Rob I think the idea of grand parents rights in this case totally revolting. There might be a battle for you there, however, don't abandon your children to your N parents..supervision only, force fields if you have too. Use your voice to counter them ( your parents) and I dare say as Rosencrantz suggested call their bluff..I'm betting that once our parents are faced with appearances in court they'll cower away..bullies always cower away!
I'm starting to really love you guys..I'm genuinely concerned about your well-being and I wish you the best. I'm in the mood for support! I'm returning by this post the love and support you have shown me in posts past!