This is rather long, but personally generational, and I’m aiming at those who might never have known love.
Does everyone believe that only a Narcissist, (or a Psychopath, or an Antisocial Person) does not have the ability to love?
One must feel worthy of Love to receive Love, and in receiving Love, the child is learning to Love.
Let’s take my Grandmother, who did nothing but Criticize and Shame my father. Would he have felt worthy of Love? When she Shamed him for having so many children, wouldn’t that trigger his already existent rage and anger (at his mother) to take it out on the children his mother said he shouldn’t have? Maybe he was an N like his mother and did not Love his children?
Take my mother who was a disabled person from birth, operated on as a baby, didn’t walk until age 2, and with scoliosis and spina bifida, a crooked body, might not have felt worthy of love, and was known to have said she married my dad as he might be her only chance. She became subservient to an N and was the dutiful wife who never talked back.
I have to wonder if she had ever known Love, or felt she was unworthy of it.
Being a farm wife and churning out babies and helping with the farm chores, I expect there was no time for this ‘crippled’ woman to play ring around the rosie with the children, no time to get to know their individual needs, was unaware that all would have different personalities, and that maybe just One of those children (Me) was overly shy, painfully sensitive and required as bit more protection, attention, acknowledgement and never even noticed this one child withdraw into herself at a very early age.
So I felt unworthy of Love, I never felt Loved, and began to feel nothing else either.
I grow up not knowing what is wrong with me.
I know I loved my daughter, in my own way, but did I act in such a way that she didn’t feel it and can “easily leave me behind”? She doesn’t remember her first 5 years, but in that time she was taken from her father at age 2½ (about which i felt enormous guilt re her) and then I was in a car crash when she as 5 (about which I felt she would forget me) I was gone for a year, as she was moved around to 4 different places (no stability) and returned when she was 6 and I was not the same mommy. I was in a wheelchair. Would she still love me?
She is now 42 and never had another partner, and I believe she never loved her N husband. I believe she was just a naïve 18 year old who was charmed by an older man, 31, who led her to believe he was rich, when he owed $250,000.00, and who pulled the divide and conquer, at that time.
How could her great-grandmother dare do this to my daughter!!!!!
I wonder how many more generations will suffer fron N-ism or unworthiness?
EDIT: I forgot why I decided to write this. I read about so many of you, maybe my daughter's age group who have N mothers. The No Contact rule is the best rule. It works. It feels as though my daughter has enforced a NC rule for me! I am beginning to wonder if I am an N? No! --I can't see it? Does anyone "see"/"feel" that from my posts?