I am making progress. It is slow but it is sure. Now that I have some strength I have a disaster to clean up. I called about my back property taxes and learned that I owe $17,000 + and that money is accrueing daily. The amazing news is that when I learned that I did not fall into a dispair. On the same day I received a tuition bill for $6,000. Life is coming at me fast. I also owe back income taxes. It is tough. Plus for reasons to complicated to explain here then only way I can work is to build my own business. I have done it before and I can do it again. The primary thing I have to do is to find a way to get started. I already hae the concept and have done much research. Now I have to get the plan made out.
Yesterday I went for prayer with a priest and his wife and a group of "intercessors" who were elsewhere praying. I prayed for healing for my son (ADHD and functional constipation) and protection from unkind authorities and for friends for us as a family and for income. The intercessors had no idea what we were praying about and yet one of them wrote down "PEACE Is 26:3 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee. (peace here means safe, well, happy, friendly)" another wrote "These words are for you, restore, reunite, rebuild."
I will keep these close as a source of encouragement. I find that I need and accept encouragement from where ever I can find it. Encouragement was sorely lacking from my early life and I absorb it where ever I find it.
I have had in my prayers the longing for friends for my and my son and "family" friends that we can do things with. Then on Wednesday I was talking with someone about spring break and they said they were going to the beach with 2 or 3 other families and invited us to go along. We already had plans to go somewhere else - alone (though I had invited another single mother with 2 boys - never got a reply). How could I refuse an answer to our prayers - we are splittling our time between the two places.
Things are changing. I am thankful - but these if the underlying apprehension about false hope. I want to wipe that out. So what if things don't work out as planned. Apprehension serves no true protection, it only feeds the dark side. I am seeking and consuming encouragement where ever I find it. I am seeking the positive whereever it lies - I have lived the fear and negative my whole life. My father anticipated everything that could go wrong and that lead to disaster. I am looking for ways things can go right. It has not been an easy transition. My old self still likes to protect from failure but that protection seem to lead to failure. That is why I am so determined to be positive. Over the 7 months I have been here, being positive has coincided with real growth. For the first time in so many years I can honestly say that I am no longer paralyzed. I attribute that to many things including the support of this place and my absolute dedication to being positive and looking for the way out.
Thanks for listening. I have so much more to say but no time. Love to you all - GS