It's been a long time, but things have actually gotten worse. Thanks to all who replied to my Feb. post. You'd think there'd be a way to sue an attorney who did wrong - not just incompetence, but lies, manipulations, and maneuvers without my knowledge or permission. After finding an attorney who would take my case and pouring thousands of dollars into it, I have learned a few things: one, life sucks - attorneys don't like to sue each other and unless it's a slam dunk case, they won't touch it. Turns out my new attorney, who was the 6th one I consulted with, says there isn't enough PROOF (!) against the bad attorney to win (after all my money, and he did do some investigation). He will not take it on a contingency - none of the other ones would either. The technical reasons behind the lack of proof may be just his opnion or they may be fact in law, but I don't have any money left. This bad attorney owes me over half a million dollars, to say nothing of my ruined career. But I'm stuck with it.
14 months ago I did file a grievance against him with the state Bar - it is still ongoing.
I feel like a shell underwater, getting battered by tides and currents with no ability to "catch" on to anything and drowning. I'm going to lose my house for the second time - and I'm scared shitless. I'm trying to sell real estate but can't break into it after a year of trying. It just seems like after the suicide of my brother in '97 my life has gone to hell steadily. Or was it before that? My mind is muddy. My family isn't close, esp. since my mother is an N and only wants to hear good news. She and another self-absorbed brother are all I have.
It's ironic to me - I have been helping a friend for several years - paying her rent, giving her money, buying groceries - b/c she was in need. Now, thanks to my efforts, she has a job, is buying a house, and has a steady income. She has more than I do.
I just don't know how much longer I can keep this up. To tell the truth, I am holding suicide in my back pocket if things don't get better. Jeez, don't everyone get your britches in a wad - I just need to say how discouraged and hopeless I feel. But I do need something good to happen. Not something just to give me hope, but something substantial that will make a difference.