I realize there are parts of me that would willingly suffer more of the abuse just to keep from feeling this pain and sense of complete loss. It's as if the adult in me loses all strength to help the child that is clinging to his feet as he walks out of my life.
have you been single before? Maybe if for many years you have had the stability and security of a marriage, even an abusive one, it is hard to give that up; I know it was for me.
Part of me until very recently felt paralysed- by fears, practicalities, loneliness.
I called a therapist a few months ago and questionned her about narcissism and her calm clear responses told me she was the therapist for me; I haven't looked back much since.
Some days are hard, but I can honestly say things get better all the time, and I have found a strength and self-knowledge and assertiveness within me I never knew I could have.
What a lovely person you are too, helping the struggling lady. You have so much to offer, love, understanding, compassion. Do you have people in your life, friends or family or colleagues who recognise and affirm that?
That's another big step to self-healing, clearing life of toxic people and finding genuine healthy people to be around and to connect with.
It's taken me about three years to get from recognising narcissism to ending the marriage and being almost whole.