Dear Sea ,
Here is a letter for you to imagine that I wrote to you ex
Dear N,
I write this letter to you because you see (I know you). You swoop in on women trying to dazzle by your looks and the long training of acting that you have used throughout your life. Your training for all those years actually made my Friend Sea think you were a feeling human being. But like all actors they have a low spot/point when there acting just does not carry through for them anymore. None of the stars (Sea) want to be cast in your movie or play a role with you. Your class A movies have went to B. You can’t even FAKE IT anymore. How embarrassing is that? Your image is shattered. I know you hate that but I love to tell you I see your true image. You really are not much of anything. You really are a weak pathetic being aren’t you?
I say I know you. I do know you. You are not extraordinary person I wouldn’t even say you are an ordinary person. You’re just there leaking your poison onto everything. Leaking in such small amounts over time that people do not even know they have been poisoned till it’s too late. They wake up feeling really sick and confused from all the toxins they have taken in for years. Sea is draining your poison out now. It is out of her body for the most part. She is now dealing with the violation you committed against her mind. You are a criminal in my book N. You are the pettiest of criminals. How does that make you feel? Your image and ego is so HUGE yet you are so petty. It is so laughable. Here is the big man, important man, who I find LAUGHABLE
I would of loved to be a fly on the wall to see you work it with the new woman/women. By the way how did your pity party go? Do the new ones know you are not Class A anymore? How’s that poison of yours working for you? Are they toxic yet? How are there bank accounts? Is there enough for you to take for years to come? Oh how silly of me asking such questions. I’m sure you have done all your homework first. You would never make a mistake of finding someone just like you, right?
My Friend Sea is doing just fine. The poison has affected her heart a little but nothing that can’t be cured. It’s just going to be a little longer to get it all out. Sometimes she don’t feel so good but please don’t mistake that is due to you. You already did your damage. This damage is (old) just being purged and sometimes it’s pain full. You couldn’t even do that right. Anything you do (anything) does not last. You are curable in all aspects. Like I said you’re laughable. You’re a joke and an embarrassment to life. What you didn’t count on was I KNOW YOU! OTHERS KNOW YOU! And my Friend SEA KNOWS YOU NOW TOO!!! She will heal. She is healing. She is an incredible strong brave person. So unlike you.
What a damn fool you are!
The one thing you and others like you HATE!!! Is to hear the words WE KNOW YOU!! WE REALLY KNOW YOU!!! When you hear that you run like the little cowards you are.
Power is in numbers!! You recruited so many with your manipulations. You didn't know that Sea holds the POWER TOO! She recruited US! the people that do know you!!! Your biggest Fear!! We will be right there standing supporting Sea even if you can't see us we are in her mind.
Sea will be just fine and rid of you, your poison, and a life with you. You will be left as just a passing thought with no power very soon.