Hi all
I’ve had a couple of experiences with extreme anger and no way to win.
Once was a guy (½ friend—in college) who borrowed $600.00 and signed all the appropriate papers, etc and I trusted he would repay the Money. He didn’t, and even went to the trouble of moving away to evade me. I put it in for collection still livid with anger, and came to the conclusion I would never win, that I was angry with myself for lending the money in the first place and, as time went by, I had cut my losses and moved on.
The other was the N and about the same principle applied, for me. No way I could ‘win’. I was so angry and wanted to exact some revenge somehow, had terrible thoughts of killing him and other worse things, had nightmares about him. The No Contact works but not immediately; however that, along with TIME, lessened the anger for me (again anger with myself for being conned) and now after almost 5 years away from him (and he lives just a block ½ away from me—we never bump into one another) he is a mere bug that I can squish with my mind. The length of time-2-2½ -3 years before reaching a point of feeling truly free, while keeping busy
Living well is the best revenge
I would receive calls from the Gov’t for him (the partnership business I dissolved) and gave out his phone number as well as asking then to remove any reference re me, as I was 'out'. I saw ads in the paper for him to rent out rooms---only was to save the expense of moving and be able to pay the rent. It’s our little local paper and I saw ads for things he treasured but was selling off----- and I was busy working, making $$, as I never did when with him.
Time heals (I made that up for here, as I heard it some place)
Love Izzy