Are you folks all using the same browser? [for example, Internet Explorer, Netscape, or FireFox?] I have Safari and it's been working fine, although my page loads have been slow... probably due to dial-up.
Oh - edit in: there's a trick I use too, that helps. If I write more than a couple of paragraphs of a post - no matter how short they are - I hit the preview button and get a preview. I discovered that if I spend more than a certain amount of time writing a post, or if it gets longish, I lose it when I either preview or try to post. But if I do a preview early, and keep doing them from time to time, this almost never happens.
Don't know if that will help or not... but it has been working well for me.
Edit in again: another trick... I can just about tell, now, when I'm going to lose a post, if I hit the 'save' or 'preview' button and it hangs and hangs and hangs... I hit the stop button at the top of the page, open TextEdit [NotePad, whatever - the rich text processor] - and copy the post there, then close and reopen the browser and paste the contents right back in off TextEdit, and preview immediately, and this works too.