Ok, I went to this link about "The Secret" as, I too had heard about it on Oprah (which I rarely even watch anyway).
The following is my opinion based on what I follow as truth.
The Bible says "as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." It also says, "out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks."
There is some truth in "the Secret" as far as realizing that our attitudes cause good and bad to come toward us...but wait! I believe a bit differently as to the reason WHY.
If I go around complaining about something in my life, but do nothing to change it, I will NOT have a different outcome.
If I go around counting my blessings, I will be a happier person, attract positive people and feel blessed in whatever things in my life stand out as GOOD!
I believe it's all about FOCUS, but I also believe that sometimes a person can use "magical thinking" and obtain things from the wrong power, often, later regretting even the things he drew toward him by his actions or through the power that allowed him to get things (yes, talking spiritual here)
The biggest problem with a person "thinking" things into existence, is that, he deifies his own ability. Now, if you are humanist, that will be peachy with you. If you are Buddhist or Hindu, it might fly too...but, for myself, being a follower of Yahuwshu`a (Jesus), I prefer to confess and possess ONLY in accordance to God's will...not by my selfish whims and desires. I'm not saying I never have asked for anything selfishly, cause God knows I have...but, I have learned that no matter what I desire, it's always best to let my Heavenly Father have the final Authority.