Reading these posts what jumped out at me was how we take responsibility for others. I want to live in a world where I can believe what others say, trust them and be myself but the reality is that there are many people in the world with no integrity or care about others. I am left with the question why do I feel responsible for their feelings. Its as if somehow I learned along the way that my "job" in life was to make things ok for others, especially those who actively abused me. I have just read these words out loud and hear how crazy they are. Breaking this cycle seems to me to be an integral part of my healing.
I want to live a life where I am respectful to others but NOT responsible for their feelings.
I do believe the "system" colludes with Ns and also with VON. Somehow staying and putting up with it seems to hold some "honour" in my experience. I am reminded again of Alice Miller's writings.
The more I go on in life the more I see that lots and lots of people are only concerned with themselves. How often does that happen to all of us in our day when someone asks how you are but really don't want to hear the answer. I know sometimes I do it but am trying to be more aware of that or else NOT ask the question.
I know when I was caring for my daughter, rarely did anyone ask how was I. In truth I was exhausted, scared, angry, lonely...... I could go on and on but people could not see me. Many still don't. I have the "honour" of being "strong" that lets people off the hook. "Look at Axa, she is sooooooooo strong, she has come through so much". Well, let me tell you guys, I am strong but I am also vulnerable and often afraid. Sorry for the rant but it hit a note somewhere.
Caring for my daughter before her death was a privilege, she was appreciative, loving, fun, and full of compassion for me. This made things so much easier. I do not know if I could care for someone who had hurt me in my life. Hats off to you Hops.