Hi Stormy,
Sorry to be so late on replying, I don't read very often these days, but I hope you start feeling better soon.
I wanted you to know I was thinking of you the other day. I volunteer at our local humane society one day per week socializing bunnies. I have never been a bunny person, but they are starting to grow on me and spending a couple of hours cuddling with furry little creatures is certainly not work for me. Anyway, a couple of weeks ago, a 13-year-old Beagle was surrendered because his owner had passed away and no one in the family could take him. I would have taken him in a minute, but knew my cocker would have eaten him alive, and the poor old guy didn't need any more trauma. After 2 weeks he was adopted into a wonderful home by one of the volunteer dog walkers. It was such a relief to me.
I thought about you this week, after the tragedy in Virginia, because like me, you have animals you love, but no family to rescue them if something were to suddenly happen to you. I think I have some friends who dog sit for me who would take the dogs if they could, but I don't know what would happen to my elder cats. My kids don't have living situations which would allow for pets, so they couldn't take them either. It was just one more aspect of the tragedy this week that has saddened me to a point I can't quite get past.
I know I have gone in a odd direction for your post, but I did want you to know that you were in my thoughts. I have no help to offer for the feet or the accompanying illness, but I send good wishes that you feel better soon.