Hey guys, how do I go about doing a poll on here is it easy? Im not sure what I want to do a poll about mind, just fancy doing one as you can never beat a good ol poll

Also a question to our cousins across the pond, I went to the states some years back when I was a wee laddie, well a teenager anyway, and as I exited from the airport a security guard/cop said to me "wow you're an apple pie face aint ya" (or something to that effect), being a teenager I was horrified he would say such a thing and thought it a mortal insult, it doesnt bother me now of course (much

) but it comes up in conversation over the years (and today actually as someone I know was chatting to some dude from Colorado, as you do

) and it bugs me as to what the guy meant. Do I have a face that looks kinda crumbly or is it that I look like I need an apple pie slapped in my face? I was a little testy after the flight as I can never get to sleep on a plane which bugs me big time and having a dude say that to me on exiting was not my idea of a greeting

I felt like saying well you look like a **** so no ones perfect, but he was armed so I erred on the side of caution

Any incite into this phrase "apple pie face" will be well received, unless it does turn out to be a mortal insult and in that case just lie to me, pat me on the head and I'll stay blissfully unaware
Ta very muchly