Author Topic: Help - Attention Campaign  (Read 3930 times)


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Help - Attention Campaign
« Reply #15 on: March 31, 2004, 05:41:54 PM »
Oh goodness, RedRose!  I don't know how you managed to keep your cool when your mother made a mountain out of your humming.  It really is amazing, isn't it?  I mean, any normal person would think that someone humming is evidence of them being happy and having a good day.  Only an N would turn something nice so horribly around like that.  I can totally identify with going "what the hell?" with these people.  They just come way out of left field all the time!

The update on this saga is that I replied to her last email and all its desperate, probing questions with a "Hi, gee, at first I was so confused by your email but then I realized you must not have got my last one a week ago where I said everything is fine on my end and thanked you for the gifts you sent.  Must have been a server problem."

Two days later she replies, "Thanks for the email Rojo, I am glad you are both well. We live in a dangerous world all round and I get a bit twitchy when I don't here from you [But she had!]and the rest of the family even if it's a one line of " hi we are all well this end" [I had done just that with 12 lines!!!] Especially from your side, I don't know where any of your friends live and there are no close relatives around you [Thank God for the miracle that is emmigration!!!]  so if something had to happen to you and [your husband](heaven forebid) we would not know anything. [Ok, so she just assumes our friends wouldn't know what to do and wouldn't call her?]. YOur phone is always on an answering service [Duh, because my mother is insane  :roll: ] and the 9 hours time difference does not help and you don't have a text messaging service [Because I'm not a masochist!] which is the easiest and cheapest way to say hi. [Like there's ever a simple "Hi" with her...RIIIIGHT!] So you just have to put up with my crap. [Crap it is and who the hell is she to tell me what I HAVE to do?!]

Isn't it amazing how deaf, assumptive and bossy these people are?  

Scotch anyone?  LOL!!!    :lol:

God bless,
