Author Topic: The NECESSARY key to recovery  (Read 2262 times)


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The NECESSARY key to recovery
« on: May 05, 2007, 07:57:03 AM »
Hello All:

I have not posted in a while because I have been in therapy for the last three months. I highly recommend it to all my fellow sufferers. Give it time and do the work. Eventually things will start to make sense and you will find the escape from this pain.

I have learned many lessons but the most important lesson that I have developed is the fact that we have self awareness. We are not animals who are trapped in a world of stimulus and response. No, we have the ability to step back and actually realize that we can conceive the very fact that we are being stimulated and ultimately responding. The problem is that we have given up this very precious trait and continued to act responsively. To get beyond this nightmare we need to be responsible and take control of our feelings.

You see, as children we have been trained by our NPD parents to put their feelings and desires before our own. Our actions have been dictated by trying to please them as opposed to looking for solutions that can be beneficial to both. Whenever we receive a stimulus our brain can do one of two things. We can just let the programming take over and respond with the habitual response. For our parents this was great because our habitual response always took their needs in to account before it took our's in to consideration. We did what we believed to be correct and then felt sick in our stomachs because we knew that somehow deep down we were not being true to ourselves. The alternative approach is to interject and actually take our own feeling in to account. And by this I mean our true feelings, not some conjured up demented and warped feelings as to what is right.

The reason this whole struggle is difficult is that we feel that all we have done was to be helpful to our parents and all we get in return is grief. Nothing is ever good enough and nothing is satisfying. This is very frustrating and this frustration turned inward leads to depression.

Once we realize to put our own needs first, only then can we truly free ourselves from this prison. Yes, our parents are at fault for such poor parenting skills. But we are at fault for not realizing that we have the solution. The solution has nothing to do with our parents because they will not change. I would like to be 20 years younger, but that will not happen. I need to accept reality and move on.

This whole mess is like being locked in a cage by our jailors (my father in my case) and the key to the lock hanging on the wall right next to the cage where we can reach it. However, we do not go for that key and proceed to escape because we know that he does not want us to escape. Instead, we hope and dream that one day he will hand us the key and then we can open the door and leave. Well, I have news for him. He does not need to hand me the key because I can reach for it myself. I have opened the door and the world has not come crashing down on me (nor him). I am now free and nothing he can do from this point on can ever put me back in that cage.

I now have an eternal key to my happiness. And what is great about this key is that I possess it and nobody, absolutely nobody, can ever take it away.

Good luck my fellow travellers, I hope your journey leads you to your deserved destination,



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Re: The NECESSARY key to recovery
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2007, 08:13:19 AM »


You see, as children we have been trained by our NPD parents to put their feelings and desires before our own. Our actions have been dictated by trying to please them as opposed to looking for solutions that can be beneficial to both. Whenever we receive a stimulus our brain can do one of two things. We can just let the programming take over and respond with the habitual response. For our parents this was great because our habitual response always took their needs in to account before it took our's in to consideration. We did what we believed to be correct and then felt sick in our stomachs because we knew that somehow deep down we were not being true to ourselves. The alternative approach is to interject and actually take our own feeling in to account. And by this I mean our true feelings, not some conjured up demented and warped feelings as to what is right.

Wow, your post is soooooooooooo clear.  I have just begun to figure out that this is the key.  There never was a desire for a solution in my dealings with Ns, this always confused me, but why would they look for a solution when they had someone to do their bidding.

Nothing is ever good enough and nothing is satisfying. This is very frustrating and this frustration turned inward leads to depression.

I have always struggled with this and took on the message that I WAS NOT GOOD ENOUGH which I know has been linked to my deep felt shame which I am now uncovering.  I suffered from depression because I had no sense of how to free myself from this shame and feelings of uselessness.

Once we realize to put our own needs first, only then can we truly free ourselves from this prison. Yes, our parents are at fault for such poor parenting skills. But we are at fault for not realizing that we have the solution. The solution has nothing to do with our parents because they will not change. I would like to be 20 years younger, but that will not happen. I need to accept reality and move on.

I had this thought recently, If I knew then etc....... and for this I feel real sadness, that so much of my life I have been blind but am grateful that at last I am beginning to see.

I now have an eternal key to my happiness. And what is great about this key is that I possess it and nobody, absolutely nobody, can ever take it away.

Steve, you cannot know how grateful I am for your post.  It is so uplifting.  I was feeling a bit lost again today but your words have strengthened my resolve to be in charge of my life and stay with myself and give to me what I was due a long long time ago.

Good luck my fellow travellers, I hope your journey leads you to your deserved destination,

And good luck to you Steve............ words of wisdom.



Gaining Strength

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Re: The NECESSARY key to recovery
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2007, 08:15:07 AM »
How remarkable Steve!  I have long understood your analogy:

This whole mess is like being locked in a cage by our jailors (my father in my case) and the key to the lock hanging on the wall right next to the cage where we can reach it. However, we do not go for that key and proceed to escape because we know that he does not want us to escape. Instead, we hope and dream that one day he will hand us the key and then we can open the door and leave. Well, I have news for him. He does not need to hand me the key because I can reach for it myself. I have opened the door and the world has not come crashing down on me (nor him). I am now free and nothing he can do from this point on can ever put me back in that cage.

I am so glad you have opened your cage.  There are times I've thought I had the key in my hand only to drop it or lose it again.  I hope to follow your example and reach that key to set myself free.  Thanks for sharing your good news.


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Re: The NECESSARY key to recovery
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2007, 09:08:50 AM »
Steve, thank you so much! You've made a long and arduous journey and brought back treasure to share. This is an absolutely wonderful, incredibly inspirational post.

Thank  you.
The only way out is through, and the only way to win is not to play.

"... truth is all I can stand to live with." -- Moonlight52


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Re: The NECESSARY key to recovery
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2007, 10:21:36 AM »
Sovereign et al.

Let me make it clear that I have absolutely zero formal psychological education. Everything I have learned has been through my own reading and my own analysis. Therefore, view what i have to say a model of reality as I see it. I suspect that much of what i have to say is valid and perhaps the psychologists can fine tune the theory.

There are three basic models of emotional determinism. First there is the Genetic model that says your grandparents did it to you. Next there is the Psychic model that says your parents did it to you. And finally there is the Environmental model that says your social network did it to you. All of these models say that someone else did it to you. These models developed from the study of animals. The existence of animals is almost entirely determined by these factors. The great leap of faith was to assume that the same apples to humans.

In fact, this leap of faith is not entirely incorrect. Yes, how you were raised will affect your emotions, and what happens in your own corner of the world will also. In other words, every stimulus will go through a black box and out will come your response (emotion). This is only true for people who are passive in their emotional responses. If we do not have a well developed sense of our self awareness we can go through life always being the victim of our environment.

However, we humans are different. We are aware and therefore we can determine how things affect us. In the case of a child of a narcissistic parent, if you allow your emotions to be determined by your automatic response, then the answer is that yes you are determined by what your parents did to you. This is how I have been operating my entire life. And it gets even worse. I have used the same model when interacting with my peers. I assume that the same motives and methods of operation are similar. So now, not only do I have a distorted view of reality from my parents perspective but I also get the same effect from dealing with others.


You see, the key is to realize that you have allowed this to happen. Think about it. You have CHOSEN to let this happen. If you choose to do otherwise, then we have a whole new model of emotions. In other words, I can determine how things make me feel I used to hear these words before and I would sluff them off because I have tried it before and it never worked. I would try to say to myself, forget him, he is not important, just control how you feel when you interact. But ultimately, I would fail and then I would assume that I failed because this positive mental attitude stuff is crap.

But now I realize why I failed was because of an inner incongruence. Though I was trying to think positively, I was internally allowing my fathers mental map to dictate my emotions. Result was guilt and shame. Here I was trying to make myself feel better but inside my own objective function (value function, call it what you may) I was hurting. My own objective function was saying

make dad feel well,
make dad feel well,
make dad feel well.

So when I was ignoring his signals by filtering them to make me feel good, I was just making myself feel like crap because my values were saying I need to make dad feel well.

So there was a HUGE error of logic on my part. My mistake was to use the superficial positive attitude stuff when in fact I just needed to look deeper inside my core. That is when I realize that everything I was doing in life was to  make others feel better. All my decisions flowed through this warped model as to how I should feel.

The KEY is to change that. From now on, I worry ONLY about how things make me feel good. Yes, you read that correctly. This is not a selfish statement. And this is a very important principle to understand. See my next post where I will expand on this point.



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Re: The NECESSARY key to recovery
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2007, 10:26:42 AM »

Great to hear from you. I am so very happy for you!!  *cheers* to a new way of thinking *life*.
It is so good to hear you reached for your key and are free now.
Many happy wishes for you.



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Re: The NECESSARY key to recovery
« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2007, 10:38:06 AM »
On Selfishness

Everything I do from now on is made to make me feel good. This does not mean that I cannot be altruistic. Yes, I can and often will be altruistic because it makes ME feel good. Along with that I get the added bonus of making someone else feel good. Quite the win-win situation. I can also sacrifice of myself to make others feel good. again, for ME there is a positive here because I have chosen to make others feel good because it is something that ultimately makes ME feel good.

So you see, the key is to put yourself first. Everything that happens to me from now on must meet my approval and satisfy whatever desire I seek. This is not a impersonal type of world. I do consider how others feel. However, I do not do this because it makes me feel good. No, instead, it is meant as an input, not as an objective. My objectives are all centered on ME. Before, I used to put other peoples feelings in as objectives. What happened then was that I was living my life for others. They had invaded my mental objective function because I allowe them to. But no longer, now only my desires enter.

I can be considerate to others, not because their feeling good is a goal of my objective function. No! The reason I do it is because I value being a considerate person. And when I value this, I am doing it for myself. It just requires you to be more honest with yourself.

If I want to be respectful, it is not because being respectful to others is something that gives me satisfaction. I can not assume their emotions. I can only allow their emotions to become a value of mine.

So in effect, my values were for the most part tied up in the values of others. No wonder I felt my life had no meaning. It didn't. everything I did was for others.

But now, everything I do is for myself and I am working through the process of understanding my desires more clearly and more realistically.

The net effect is that I believe that my life will be much more richly lived and at the same time I will have a bigger heart to include others in to my core desires.

I hope this helps. Perhaps it is just me rambling. Take what you desire from all this.




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Re: The NECESSARY key to recovery
« Reply #7 on: May 05, 2007, 11:36:49 AM »
Wow Steve, your posts have me smiling!  :D (Thank you)

So I ask myself, am I posting this right now to make myself feel good, or for another reason…..?

I’m not sure I can answer that right now (I’m responding very quickly to grab the feelings and thoughts of this moment, totally selfishly, to see where I am…)….why am I posting?

Quick go back a thought! I was posting to say I feel good to read you. It feels good to feel good and perhaps it’s okay…..<ahhhh there is self-censorship>… share that and feed back!

How many times do I say to myself: if you don’t TELL people things, they probably won’t know. So why do I tell right know?

I feel grateful for your posts. and happy!

Now: about:

Make Dad feel well.

That’s tricky but I think I understand it. Do I want to make Dad feel well?

Yes, but NOT at my expense. Huge difference. If I can feel better by seeing dad as a person and by behaving as simply another adult with dad, then I reckon that serves my purpose. I may make Dad feel well as a result (by-product), but that is not my primary objective. My primary objective is me.

Make sure you take it for yourself? Absolutely. But that I think requires such a rigorous self-examination all the darn time and you know………sometimes……it’s just so good to talk.

Nice one Steve.

cats paw

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Re: The NECESSARY key to recovery
« Reply #8 on: May 05, 2007, 11:39:10 AM »
Hi Steve,

  Not rambling at all.  Very apt description of the process!  Since Ami mentioned Cheech and Chong, let me enter Wayne's World, and bowing down say- "We're Not Worthy!  but, hey Dude-  Rock On !!!"

cats paw


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Re: The NECESSARY key to recovery
« Reply #9 on: May 05, 2007, 12:07:17 PM »
I think I am going to type up the jail analogy and post it!  I love the thought of reaching out and taking the keys and letting myself out of prison.  No more needing her permission to get out!  I have lived in this self imposed prison for so long due to my life long brain washing!

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"


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Re: The NECESSARY key to recovery
« Reply #10 on: May 05, 2007, 09:50:35 PM »


What a gift you have for stating things, gently, tenderly and concisely.  Your posts soften my brittle side.
Thank you.



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Re: The NECESSARY key to recovery
« Reply #11 on: May 05, 2007, 10:22:37 PM »
Hi Steve,
I'm glad for you that you took the leap into therapy.
That's great news.

And you taking the key to the cell into your own hand...

Hold it tight.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: The NECESSARY key to recovery
« Reply #12 on: May 06, 2007, 06:51:37 AM »
Hello All:

I have not posted in a while because I have been in therapy for the last three months. I highly recommend it to all my fellow sufferers. Give it time and do the work. Eventually things will start to make sense and you will find the escape from this pain.

I have learned many lessons but the most important lesson that I have developed is the fact that we have self awareness. We are not animals who are trapped in a world of stimulus and response. No, we have the ability to step back and actually realize that we can conceive the very fact that we are being stimulated and ultimately responding. The problem is that we have given up this very precious trait and continued to act responsively. To get beyond this nightmare we need to be responsible and take control of our feelings.

You see, as children we have been trained by our NPD parents to put their feelings and desires before our own. Our actions have been dictated by trying to please them as opposed to looking for solutions that can be beneficial to both. Whenever we receive a stimulus our brain can do one of two things. We can just let the programming take over and respond with the habitual response. For our parents this was great because our habitual response always took their needs in to account before it took our's in to consideration. We did what we believed to be correct and then felt sick in our stomachs because we knew that somehow deep down we were not being true to ourselves. The alternative approach is to interject and actually take our own feeling in to account. And by this I mean our true feelings, not some conjured up demented and warped feelings as to what is right.

The reason this whole struggle is difficult is that we feel that all we have done was to be helpful to our parents and all we get in return is grief. Nothing is ever good enough and nothing is satisfying. This is very frustrating and this frustration turned inward leads to depression.

Once we realize to put our own needs first, only then can we truly free ourselves from this prison. Yes, our parents are at fault for such poor parenting skills. But we are at fault for not realizing that we have the solution. The solution has nothing to do with our parents because they will not change. I would like to be 20 years younger, but that will not happen. I need to accept reality and move on.

This whole mess is like being locked in a cage by our jailors (my father in my case) and the key to the lock hanging on the wall right next to the cage where we can reach it. However, we do not go for that key and proceed to escape because we know that he does not want us to escape. Instead, we hope and dream that one day he will hand us the key and then we can open the door and leave. Well, I have news for him. He does not need to hand me the key because I can reach for it myself. I have opened the door and the world has not come crashing down on me (nor him). I am now free and nothing he can do from this point on can ever put me back in that cage.

I now have an eternal key to my happiness. And what is great about this key is that I possess it and nobody, absolutely nobody, can ever take it away.

Good luck my fellow travellers, I hope your journey leads you to your deserved destination,


Amen.... Isn't it a wonderful revelation when realising that we had the key all along, and that all we had to do was use it :-)) they can't give or take something they never possessed

Good luck on your journey!!


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Re: The NECESSARY key to recovery
« Reply #13 on: May 06, 2007, 12:13:00 PM »

have you read Awareness by Anthony de Mello.............if not think you would absolutly love this book........ he writes in a similiar vein to yourself.

Thank you,
