I've been reading through posts, and so many points catch my eye. I have read many times about how, when attempting civil conversations with the N person, the N person can no longer stand what you are saying, so the N person hangs up. Just like that.
My mother has done this to me several times in the past, including during my teen years when I wasn't living with her. It was just one more thing that led to anger I both felt and suppressed.
Then, several years later, when I was stronger and sick of her shite, I hung up the phone on her. I was calm during the conversation, but when she went into something -- most likely a tirade of my "offensive" behavior or some grand idea about something, I hung up on HER.
If I remember correctly, she called me back or brought it up later that I had hung up on HER. BINCH! was all I could think. So I said to her, "You've hung up on me several times in the past, for no good reason."
I remember when I hung up on my boyfriend. We were young, and I wasn't the epitome of communication. He let me know how that felt. I have learned so much from him. We've been married twelve years, now.
I remember thinking why can't my mother just at least say good-bye, I can't talk about this, now, instead of just a cold, hard click from the receiver.
It wasn't as though these were passionate arguments that normal people have from time to time and someone may hang up and feel bad about it, later. No, it happened quite a bit. With no apology or thinking on her part that it just may be HER.
This was just one more thing that added to the feeling of being unloved and without value. In a subconscious way, when you're in the thick of it, you don't know which end is up, so you begin to form defense mechanisms.
How many of you have had the sudden phone click treatment during a conversation with your N? Was it several times over the years? How did you feel? Enraged? Sad? Finally indifferent? As though, you accept it. That's the way they are going to be.