You are done with him. Just read what you have posted. You know he's far worse than being alone. You live in fear of what his words do to you, and you must know that his words may later be followed-up with physical violence. Your use of the word "correct" in terms of what you have to do about yourself is chilling. I too have heard that word, many times. It seems to be a hallmark of this situation, and is used in very broad terms. I may tell H that he might want to "correct" some bit of language. But I would never tell him that he needs to "correct" his whole way of being.
Let him think that he has dumped you. By all means, let him think that! He will be much more manageable that way.
I say, ask for the key back, "since he has moved on." For that matter, you can tell him that you "understand." You "knew that he wasn't happy with you," and you "wish him all the best." Perhaps you have something of his that you want to give back. Some tools that he left at your home? Maybe he'd like to arrange a trade for the key. He owes you $. DO NOT give back his engagment ring. It is yours. That's the way that works. If you feel like it, you can sell it on eBay to repay the $ he owes you. If you can't get the key back, then have the locks changed. If he bothers you, call the cops. Your cops trump his craziness.
But, please, don't ask if he's done with you. Save yourself from wasting another minute, another day, or perhaps your life, on him. Be done with him, and thank God that you did not marry him.