Hello All: I feel like I have had a major breakthrough. It is almost instantaneous but it has been a long time coming!!??.......The reason for the (breakdown??) in the title is because I think I have snapped. Sometimes people will say, "She had a nervous breakdown........" Or, "she just snapped..............." This is what has happened to me, only in a good way............
For YEARS my nmom and I have had this "dance." We will call it a DANCE OF ANGER. No matter how much and how many times I express my needs to my nmom, she doesn't hear me. No matter how many times I point out things in her that are dysfunctional and need her attention, she needs to change, or if she would just admit that she needs to give it attention or to change, she denies, denies, denies..................and doesn't hear me....................Sometimes when I think she has heard me, we have a conversation a little while later and it is as if she has never heard these topics before.................she says things like "if you could just give me some examples of what you mean............" and in the previous conversation I spell out in no uncertain terms the examples of things she does....................but do you think she would recall them? Or remember?? No. But believe me, I am no longer complaining...................I snapped. I no longer care if she hears me. I no longer care if she admits she has done wrong. I no longer care if I get help from her. She holds no power over me.
And then it dawned on me. SHE HAS NO POWER OVER ME. ALL ALONG IT WAS ME GIVING HER MY POWER!!! Yes, we all have the power to take control of our lives. But in my case, and in many other of you who were raised by an N parent, we were brainwashed all our lives to defer to the nparent. The nparent was always right. The nparent got to evaluate us as people and if we did not fit into their perfect will for our lives, then we were made to feel less than. Our self esteem was controlled by their whim. We had shame poured all over us until it soaked it!!!! (GS!!!!)
I sent her an email the other day and in the past I would have been balling while I was writing it................I was laughing. It was maniacal laughter. It was laughter that said............"You know what? Lady?? You no longer have the upper hand. You no longer get to make me feel guilty. You no longer get to have your way. I get my way. I get to run my own life AND the lives of my children. You have lost your power!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 She has lost her power!!
Everyone here who is struggling with an nparent!!!! Take their power away!! You are wonderful, awesome people!!! You are not perfect but you are great!! You are nice. You are giving!! You are lovely. You are pretty (handsome.) You matter to people!! You matter to me!! I NEED you!!! You are wanted and loved and understood. You are validated. You have a voice!! And I don't care what that voice is either!! If you are a Christian, great!! If you are not, great!! If you are a democrat!! Great!! If you are a Republican, great!! If you are fat, great!! If you are skinny, great!! If you are beautiful, great! If you are not so beautiful, you are beautiful to someone!!!!! You are important and smart and needed. You have an interesting point of view. You ARE entitled to YOUR opinion, and it is OK!!!!!!!!!
I had a breakthrough!!!!! I had a breakthrough!!!! She no longer has any power over me!!!!