Author Topic: Issues of shadow side etc.......  (Read 3302 times)


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Re: Issues of shadow side etc.......
« Reply #15 on: May 23, 2007, 01:55:40 AM »

As long as I could dump the blame on him I was tied to him.  Now that I am owning my own "parts" I feel distance from him, like I don't need the energy to go out to him anymore.........this sounds so all over the place, I do hope I am making some sense. 

All that you've said is making sense to me! Owning our selves and all that that entails separates us so neatly in some ways...I mean, once the part of ourself becomes crystal clear, it's like a definite line drawn between me and the other. I know what is me and not me sort of thing. Big huge stuff I feel. Liberating. I'm in the middle of it too.
i might have already said this about in a sense
an aspect of owning oneself...
if not it hopefully bears repeating :)...
to  truly own self one need own one's relationship to the whole of beiing and the creator and one's place in the whole..
any putting self as essenitally better than others disturbs one true and full understanding of self and the whole..
indeed to own oneself and one's relationship to the whole and to the creator
requires considering the needs of others before one's own
and the first one of the adamic line , not to just teach that but do that,
under all the trials of the flesh was jesus
and thus as hebrews says in the new testament,
by what he suffered in that spirit for others sake,
he earned the unique right to offer salvation to all,
as said in revelation first chapter  as the first begotten of the dead....