Author Topic: The message board is a first for me..  (Read 1184 times)


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The message board is a first for me..
« on: May 19, 2007, 07:39:46 PM »
I accidently ran across this message board.  I had heard about message boards in the past from other people and how others' had been helped by them.  Feeling kind of miserable, and knowing I have a knack for isolating myself, I desperately sought out some help and reassurance from others.   I was experiening some pain from my past that paralayzed me with depression and I crumpled like a doll.  I could not get out of bed.  I do suffer from major depression and when I am experiencing crappy episodes it mainly zerioes in one same bad stuff from my past.   Even situational depression can throw me into a paralyzed state when I don't know how to cope.


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Re: The message board is a first for me..
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2007, 07:53:55 PM »
Hey Aware nice to meet you, I hope you can get a hold of your depression as it is possible and especially on here where everyone has good ideas and thoughts. I found self analysis helped with my own depression, to find the root cause may be key for you as it was for me. Confronting our fears and truths can be arduous but it will bring you to a better, gentler and happier place.
My thoughts are with you and if you find yourself depressed I will be there in spirit to hold your hand and lend support


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Re: The message board is a first for me..
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2007, 11:46:48 PM »
You are not alone or the 'worst" one.

Well put, Ami...what a wonderful message. Thanks.

Welcome, Aware...I'm really glad you're here.

A voice in the night, a safe place to talk.
Only thing I would say is to be sure to balance it by ALSO finding 3-D human beings to meet with and talk about feelings with in real-space. (I found myself isolating myself worse than usual for a while this winter...the board helped me so so so much, but at times I found it replacing real contact. Bad habit for me...)

Welcome again, hope you'll post as much as you'd like...and maybe even a little more than you'd expect yourself to.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: The message board is a first for me..
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2007, 12:32:40 AM »
hi aware...
some of my speculations about narcissists and related psychopaths that their desire for self glory is seen as a beacon light that attracts negative entities to gain a foothold in this world.... and it kind of gives them an odd edge and a kind of ability to read how to use people ...some who are useful to them as providers they tend to make them hyperactive for the material rewards they can gain for them..some who are more a kind of idle sadistic plaything for them that they do not want to empower for various reasons they tend to do more of an overall paralysis of will thing on them... there might be other types that narcissists tend to use their manipulations to create their personal playground if they can get away with it and the negative entities have tho an additional agenda but provide as i said i think a kind of added edge that comes with a kind of selling one's soul to gain self glory and self aggrandizement at the expense of others


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Re: The message board is a first for me..
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2007, 06:15:33 PM »
Hi Aware,

I know this kind of depression also!!!  I have laid in bed for days feeling hurt.  I found that doing something with a family member, or just looking out and thinking, God what a beautiful planet, and asking for help in making myself a better human being sometimes brings relief.
