Let me tell you my view and experience on this topic.
Recently, about 2 weeks ago, I took my last dose of Lexapro. I had been on it for about 4 months or more (can't recall)...Lexapro helped stabilize what I believed were mood swings, however, it also steadily caused me to be depressed and feel very isolated inside in my mind.
Since getting off it, I've been having the brain shocks, zaps, shudders. I know what MOTHERLESS means exactly! It's like every 10 min, someone takes your glasses on your face and gives them a fast shake, so that everything looks really distorted and you feel dizzy. As far as the feeling of having my head yanked back...I've had that too, but no pain connected with it...it just stops me in my tracks till I can see straight again.
Antidepressants are a better alternative for some people rather than living with insane behavior that hurts themselves and others. For some, antidepressants can lower unfounded inhibitions, allowing them to live fuller lives, without paranoia and reasoning themselves out of every good thing that tries to come along.
I have done a lot of research on myself and the roots of my struggles. My therapist and I came to the conclusion that my insights are wise and that I will benefit from having a psychologist to talk to, rather than meds. Personally, I believe the meds did what they were meant to do in my brain. They got me back to a stable position in life. After my last failed friendship, I had PTSD which was mistakenly diagnosed as Bipolar and Depression.
As time has gone on, I've come to see that my issues have been situational, rather than biological. It's OK TO DO THE RESEARCH, friends! Learn about yourself, your past, your triggers, and even about other people and why they do what they do.
I'm glad I did this. I've recently decided not to give up on my dream of being a counselor. Today I signed up for Spanish and Math to work toward my Associates Degree and will be transferring at some point as the Lord leads my life in that direction.