meds never had too much affect on me...
i guess they didnt know i was an alien

but that was the family belief
meds were the best cure...
mom the n in my book got meds librium and such i think from family doctor
and not from a psychiatrist..
after all she had issues coz of the grief caused her by others...

siblings too favor the med route..
tho one just recently seems to being swayed
by the power of what is generally callled cognitive therapy
by better self understanding to actually change
she said ..either brain chemistry and maybe brain structure too..
geez louise that has what i beens sayin for years...
one med did seem to have a rather positive effect on me some years ago
celerex spelling? celarex? anyways...
once i sense the mind shift
i felt aware enuf of what it did mentally that i could pretty much recreate it on my own
by thought process.
but then i often interpret my dreams as i am dreaming ..
i think that is considered an aspect of lucid dreaming...
i forget why i stopped the celerex...
stopped the therapy?
side effects...
one of the most negative was red devils...
a bit of withdrawal gettin off of them
ah tech name was secobarb....