It says two wonderful things always make me smile in Genesis 6, that there used to be giants and that people would live to be 120!
Michael, the transliterated word for heart here is 'leb' meaning in Hebrew inner man, mind, will, heart, understanding, seat of courage etc. in aramaic a concept of self as in 'heart and mind'.
Genesis 6:6 says
it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. so G_d sends a flood, which Noah survives with the ark....
So G_d has a heart here too.
G_d is a personal being with the Jews as his chosen people who will go on to rule his kingdom forever.
It is a mistake to take any scripture out of context with the society it represents or the received beliefs which have grown up around it.
Religion is a representation, a place between man and G_d.
I do not see Moses' G_d when I pray, nor pray to Moses' G_d. Do you see what I mean?
their version deep down is perverted by whatever it takes to be successful in the eyes of others and the world
but thru losing sight of their own issues in such matters they lose sight of others as being as important
as they feel themselves to be..
and does this not represent the truth in many of the founders of our religions, for once we move away from G_d towards the vested interests of groups G_d is no longer the most important criteria for what we do.
In this religion is narcissistic....and we turn prophets into idols, instruction into rules, good works into cults and prayer into petition.
The narcissist is motivated by fear and feeling powerless; likewise some of our religion.
The narcissist wants to be G_d of his world; we want to control G_d through superstition and ritual and a belief that we are more superior to G_d by following a particular set of complex arbitrary rules......
Sound familiar?