I am married to a man that my therapist says is an N.
Yesterday, I had to discipline my 8 year old. She kept nagging me to go hiking with her and her sister, while I was on the phone. I finally gave her a writing assignment, which, being the little drama queen that she can be, she belly-ached about all night (it was 8 sentences saying "When Mom is busy, I will wait quietly.")
She had a fit over it during dinner and my husband said "tell you what? You can either do the writing or get 8 spankings."
Now, first of all, I don't see where MY discipline involved HIM in the first place. Second of all, I am not a firm believer in corporal punishment. Third, over my dead body will he EVER lay a hand on one of my children! He was an abused child himself and he has no feelings to know when his swats are too hard or too many, NOR DOES HE CARE!
My response. "I will NOT allow you to lay a hand on her." Him: "oh 8 swats with my hand won't kill her." Me: "this does not involve you. I do not trust you with disciplining the children. PERIOD!"
That ended things for a few moments and then he began going on and on about how his father did it and it didn't hurt him...blah blah blah. (his father also molested both his sisters, abused his brothers and possibly him)
I do NOT allow my husband to discipline the children. I did when my eldest was young, and I have lived to regret that to this day! AT one point, during a really hot day, he insisted we leave her in the car, when she was about maybe 4yrs old., so we could look at some yard sale things in a garage across a street. She began screaming in the car cause it was so hot. He walked across the street, yanked her out of the car, and slammed her up against the trunk and began pounding her. I will NEVER forget that and it horrifies me when I think of it. When I told my mother what happened, she told me "If I EVER hear that you let him lay a hand on those kids again, I WILL REPORT BOTH OF YOU AND YOU WILL LOSE THOSE GIRLS!" From that day on, I NEVER let him deal with discipline, and to this day he throws it in my face when the girls do something he doesn't approve of. He will say "SEE? You should have let me spank them when they were younger."
THere are times I have really pretty much HATED this man. He has so many emotional, physical problems, that it would blow your minds! I have given him over to God and I now work to take care of myself and my girls.
Thanks for listening.