Author Topic: Stormchild.. how is kitty doing??  (Read 4758 times)


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Stormchild.. how is kitty doing??
« on: May 30, 2007, 10:07:21 AM »
I didn't read any posts all weekend.. and have been very busy here at work b/c of the short week.

So sorry to hear about your kitty - they are such tender little beings. We have 3 and covet them so much, so I feel your distress/worry/concern.

Please post updates....



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Re: Stormchild.. how is kitty doing??
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2007, 12:18:37 PM »
Thank you Motherless - from the bottom of my heart.

Kitty is OK so far, I went to see her last night and she nibbled a little food, but then unfortunately my regular vet had a caretaker keep an eye on her overnight and for whatever reason the caretaker did not understand that she should be fed, so they didn't give her anything to eat!

For older cats, prolonged fasting is DANGEROUS. I called in the early a.m. to see how well she'd rested and if she was eating normally, and found out that she hadn't had any chance to eat normally or otherwise, and went flaming in with cat food in a Baggie... long story short, she ate some for me, and when the regular vet opened shop, they were appalled that she had been fasted overnight. I'm going back tonight and feed her again, she perks up when I'm there. She will definitely be fed overnight tonight.

She has to stay in hospital for a few days, then I'll bring her home and board my kitten, so that the older cat doesn't get chased around and end up jumping up, etc., which she definitely shouldn't do right now.

A lot to think about, a lot to take care of, but I have hopes that she'll come through it all OK. And that I will too...

Thank you kindly for starting a thread, I'm deeply, deeply touched by your caring and concern.
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Re: Stormchild.. how is kitty doing??
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2007, 01:46:06 PM »

I wish I could send your kitty some eMunchies!

I hope she's feeling well enough to scratch the back of your sofa soon.



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Re: Stormchild.. how is kitty doing??
« Reply #3 on: May 30, 2007, 02:51:34 PM »
Dear SC -

So sorry to hear of the ineptitude of the staff at the vet's!!! Poor little thing, I hope she feels better soon. Good thing you are on the ball and brought food.

We love our kitties so much -- they give unconditional love.
My husband and I say that we can see little heart shaped bubbles over their heads!! 

Will be thinking of you and kitty.



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Re: Stormchild.. how is kitty doing??
« Reply #4 on: May 30, 2007, 08:31:20 PM »
Thanks Janet, thanks Motherless... from my sweet silly Clown Girl kitty and from me.
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Re: Stormchild.. how is kitty doing??
« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2007, 09:28:13 AM »
Dear Storm,
    How is your cat doing today? Hope that she and you are doing well. Let me know. Love Ami
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Re: Stormchild.. how is kitty doing??
« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2007, 09:36:16 AM »
Dear Stormchild,

I was thinking of you and your kitty last night as I was petting my two cats.  I think my kitties and I were sending you and yours some positive healing vibes through the airwaves.



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Re: Stormchild.. how is kitty doing??
« Reply #7 on: May 31, 2007, 09:49:00 AM »
Hi Storm.... 

I hope your sweet kitty is getting strong and recovering quickly.


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Re: Stormchild.. how is kitty doing??
« Reply #8 on: May 31, 2007, 10:21:52 PM »
Saw her again today... she's perkier, has been eating, her 'pipes' are all working just fine now, but she still growls when the vet techs pick her up because her incision hurts. She doesn't scratch or bite, she just growls because it hurts, poor fuzzbaby.

I'm boarding her for a couple more days at least, I want to be able to lift her without hurting her when I take her home. But she's eating, drinking, and, um, doing what you have to do after you do those things. Progress is being made. :-)

thanks everyone for the kindess and good wishes.
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Re: Stormchild.. how is kitty doing??
« Reply #9 on: May 31, 2007, 11:24:03 PM »

Sorry to hear about your cat and glad she is doing much better.  I'm sorry I'm trying to catch up on things sorry I did not reply earlier.
I have  3 cats, 3 dogs and two turtles.  I am an animal lover and treat them like my own kids.  I think I even have an N dog (wonder if dogs can be N's) who is now in a lot of trouble for biting the other dog.  He thinks he is entitled to everything.  My poor other dog walked on top of him when he was sleeping and he beat him up. 



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Re: Stormchild.. how is kitty doing??
« Reply #10 on: June 01, 2007, 04:05:07 AM »
Good thing you checked on her, Storm!!! And I am glad she went through the surgery well.
Love, Beth
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Re: Stormchild.. how is kitty doing??
« Reply #11 on: June 01, 2007, 08:46:35 AM »
It sounds like she is on the mend... and a very good decision by you to keep her there to convalesce. I did get a little worried as we hadn't heard from you in a bit.
So happy that everything worked out.

I'll keep you both in my thoughts.



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Re: Stormchild.. how is kitty doing??
« Reply #12 on: June 01, 2007, 08:56:43 AM »
(((((Deb, Beth, Motherless)))))

thanks. I'm really looking forward to bringing her home... have to wait a couple more days yet. Then I think I'll board the kitten, because otherwise my convalescent kitty might get chased around and played with too much while I'm out at work.

Weird, isn't it, how involved these things can be, how you end up having to do so much damage control on things that should just 'work'. But what would have happened if I hadn't called to see how well she was eating?

I hesitate to say that it's all a matter of how much people actually care, in these situations, but deep down, I do believe that's what makes the difference. She's my baby, and I love her.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2007, 08:58:14 AM by Stormchild »
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Re: Stormchild.. how is kitty doing??
« Reply #13 on: June 01, 2007, 09:03:36 AM »
Caring for a sick loved one is amazingly time consuming and exhausting.  She is very lucky to have you and the love and care you provide!  Glad to hear she is healing well.



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Re: Stormchild.. how is kitty doing??
« Reply #14 on: June 01, 2007, 09:54:07 AM »
I took Ms. Piggy in on Monday to have her fixed and they basically had no idea what to do to get her ready... they ended up deciding I had to put her records in my name as the teacher who will have her didn't have a paper filled out and then we did a transfer yada, yada, yada... But they were so clueless when we were there that I was afraid they were going to say they couldn't take care of her. Happily her surgery went well and she is recouping before becoming the class princess. We miss her a lot though. The night before we took her in was pretty glum here.
Also went to the dentist for myself and daughter had an appointment and we waited and waited until they finally came out and said no Doc was available and we'd have to reschedule. Grrrrrrrrrrr... I relaly wonder about these people sometimes. Especially when I looked up to these "authority figures" for so long.
Love, Beth
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams