Author Topic: Teartracks Week From Hell  (Read 7990 times)


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Re: Teartracks Week From Hell
« Reply #30 on: June 06, 2007, 10:18:49 PM »

My beloved cyber friends,

Yesterday was the worst day of my recent illness.  Slept 20 our of 24 hours.  Amazingly, today, I feel like I have 'whooped' that virus and on my way back to feeling well again.  Thanks to each one who remembered me in your prayers, wrote encouraging messages, and gave me excellent remedies for healing the burn wound.  For all of your kindness, thank you, thank you, thank you!



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Re: Teartracks Week From Hell
« Reply #31 on: June 06, 2007, 10:40:59 PM »

There's plenty of Maude in me too, but thank god, I don't feel forlorn any more.
Hold on to the plow, Lighter, you will reach the end of the field and you'll not be working alone.

TT, I'm so so glad you've just about nailed the shingles.

(Shoot me if I pun again...)

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Teartracks Week From Hell
« Reply #32 on: June 06, 2007, 10:46:45 PM »
Keep on gettiing better, TT

That was good news.

And hops must stop nailing your shinlges!!!




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Re: Teartracks Week From Hell
« Reply #33 on: June 06, 2007, 11:41:06 PM »
Glad you're feeling better TT.  What did you do for the burn that worked anyway?

Hops, thanks for the nice reply about Maude. 


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Re: Teartracks Week From Hell
« Reply #34 on: June 07, 2007, 12:21:11 AM »

Hi lighter,

The burn...Well our in house doctor Ms Stormchild PM'd me and instructed me to apply Ester C lotion twice a day.  It was very soothing.  The other suggestion was to dab the would with original Listerine twice a day.  In addition to that, I applied Neosporin once a day.  It all worked very well.  I'll be left with some scaring, but that's OK.  I just want to heal and get back to my projects.  Someone else suggested Silvadine.  I think it would have been a perfectly good remedy, especially for where the wound was leaking.  But it requires a prescription.  I never made it to the doctor.

The Shingles virus is what put me in the bed for a week.  I still have scabs, but tey are dry and not painful except if touched.  I had a bout of diverticulosis the last four days.  I'm so greatful for the human machine which is so capable of healing itself if we exercise good judgment and take good care of ourselves. 

Unfortunately, coming from the backgrounds most of us come from here, symptoms and illnesses that are similar from person to person are common. 

Thanks again for your encouragement...



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Re: Teartracks Week From Hell
« Reply #35 on: June 07, 2007, 08:21:06 AM »
I have a doc friend who said the burn won't leave lasting scars unless it went through all layers of skin.  I thought for sure I'd be scarred.  I wasn't.  Yous will probably go away too. 

Note to self:  Ask that same doc for silvadene burn cream Rx.  Amazing stuff.


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Re: Teartracks Week From Hell
« Reply #36 on: June 07, 2007, 11:09:11 AM »


Am going to doctor today.  Will ask for the Silvadene.  Thanks for that tip.  I still have the second degree part that is healing.  So not entirely home yet with any of it, but feeling so much better on all fronts.




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Re: Teartracks Week From Hell
« Reply #37 on: June 07, 2007, 03:48:44 PM »
   I am so glad that you are better. I could see you(in my mind's eye) better and doing well. I am so happy about that!                                                                Hugs to you Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Teartracks Week From Hell
« Reply #38 on: June 07, 2007, 05:29:39 PM »

Dear lighter,

Got the Silvadene.  Never knew before that it is a must have on the medicine shelf.  Thanks so much.  All in all Doctor gave me a good report. :)

Ami, thank you for your vision for my healing.  It's happening and it all seems to be doing it on target. 



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Re: Teartracks Week From Hell
« Reply #39 on: June 07, 2007, 11:34:42 PM »

Hoorah for the good report from the doctor!!!  I'm glad you're feeling better and hope for continued healing for you.  Take care.



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Re: Teartracks Week From Hell
« Reply #40 on: June 07, 2007, 11:49:51 PM »

Glad doc said you're healing well.  Good news. 


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Re: Teartracks Week From Hell
« Reply #41 on: June 18, 2007, 01:41:18 AM »

Thanks to each one who participated in my care when I was down.  I'm not used to what happened.  It all hit me out of nowhere.  And is taking its good easy time leaving.  CFS is what I think accounts for the awful feeling of tiredness and an unbearable back pain on my right upper quadrant.  Sure enough that's where the Shingles popped out.  I take my vitamins, eat well, try to exercise, it is my weakest link.  My main thing is that after all the studying I've done, I am still enmeshed with my mother emotionally. To fix that would require that I go NC.  As I've said before, I must take the actions now that I can live with the rest of my life.  That is, take care of my mom's needs for doctor's appointments, dressing wounds, help with baths, help with driving, keeping up with apppointments, their results, monitor meds, refill meds.  It never stops.   WE, my brother and I are working on a two week plan where he will take her to his house to give me a break.  I need a month at least.  I have a few offers on vacation homes in the mountains that sound lovely.  I'm hoping for one of those right by myself to come down and prepare for being with regular people for a wile.

The nephew is still here.  I think he thinks I'm his housekeeper, but I'm not.  Tomorrow, we will probably shake that down.  We need to be on a schedule where the common areas should be divided and kept clean by the one designated to it.  He can keep his room the way he wishes, bt once he steps out of it, he's responsible to keep it clean, dusted and presentable.  Same with mey half.  Meal cooking is touchy.  Mom still cooks a little.  Nephew cooks a little.  I cook seldome.  I think I'll leave the cooking to them from start to finish.
Nephew also has to start supplying his own toiletries.   

My brother gave me absolute permission to kick him out at the first hint of misbehavior or using.

I'm bleary eyed.  Maybe tis will make sense.  I love you all.


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Re: Teartracks Week From Hell
« Reply #42 on: June 18, 2007, 10:20:34 AM »
Thanks to each one who participated in my care when I was down.  I'm not used to what happened.  It all hit me out of nowhere.  And is taking its good easy time leaving.  CFS is what I think accounts for the awful feeling of tiredness and an unbearable back pain on my right upper quadrant.  Sure enough that's where the Shingles popped out.

tracks, did you have CFS before? Did I miss that? Or is this a new development?

I take my vitamins, eat well, try to exercise, it is my weakest link.

Best thing to do for CFS and also the hardest.

My main thing is that after all the studying I've done, I am still enmeshed with my mother emotionally. To fix that would require that I go NC.  As I've said before, I must take the actions now that I can live with the rest of my life.  That is, take care of my mom's needs for doctor's appointments, dressing wounds, help with baths, help with driving, keeping up with apppointments, their results, monitor meds, refill meds.  It never stops.

It never will, tracks. This is a lifetime commitment and they do little or nothing to make it easier for their caregivers. You must make self-care as much of a priority as other-care. What you've just been through is a 'shot across the bow'. Please, please heed the message.

We, my brother and I are working on a two week plan where he will take her to his house to give me a break.  I need a month at least.  I have a few offers on vacation homes in the mountains that sound lovely.  I'm hoping for one of those right by myself to come down and prepare for being with regular people for a wile.

Is there 'respite care' where you live? It's a county by county thing in most states, I think. You might be able to arrange for an additional week or so with a caregiver...

The nephew is still here.  I think he thinks I'm his housekeeper, but I'm not.  Tomorrow, we will probably shake that down.  We need to be on a schedule where the common areas should be divided and kept clean by the one designated to it.  He can keep his room the way he wishes, bt once he steps out of it, he's responsible to keep it clean, dusted and presentable.  Same with mey half.  Meal cooking is touchy.  Mom still cooks a little.  Nephew cooks a little.  I cook seldome.  I think I'll leave the cooking to them from start to finish.

Nephew also has to start supplying his own toiletries.   

My brother gave me absolute permission to kick him out at the first hint of misbehavior or using.

I'm bleary eyed.  Maybe tis will make sense.  I love you all.


It all makes sense, what doesn't make sense is how your nephew got dumped on top of you when you already had mamma to look after. If he acts up, boot him, tracks. If he stays, he ought to carry his own weight, and provide some actual help to you around the house.

You're flirting with burnout here, and I hate to see it happening to you. You can only do so much, you can only carry so much other weight in addition to your own. Please take care of yourself.
The only way out is through, and the only way to win is not to play.

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Re: Teartracks Week From Hell
« Reply #43 on: June 18, 2007, 01:46:49 PM »
Hi TT...

Please don't reach the end of your string.
Nephew's outta there soon, I hope. This you do not need.

As to your mother, well hon...I have learned I can live with No.
I feel sad for her, this is a no-fun chapter, but I think she knows that if she doesn't work hard enough to walk stably again, she won't be coming home.

Even she knows that this isn't good for me, on some level. I visit her very briefly in the evenings and she no longer clamps on to try to hold me back. She can tell I'm very tired. Sometimes, to others, she blames me that she's "incarcerated" right now.

But I think I've been getting very very very close to the end of my string. Noone is rescuing me, I've paid in health, and too much. So I'm firming my resolve for the next phase, hard as it may be.

I hope you can too. I never expected to ache so much, so early.

I'm glad you're healing but please don't push your luck, hon. It does run out.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Teartracks Week From Hell
« Reply #44 on: June 18, 2007, 05:56:46 PM »
Well tt

I had no idea you have CFS. It sounds you still have a lot on your hands. I don't remember the nephew, but it appears you have the arrangement in order.

How are you now? I'm a few days late responding to your post. I'm working on my own arrangements for me, and I am just me. I couldn't handle 3-4 others.

Take Care