Thanks for all of the encouraging words. You are right Hopalong, I have to just go Thur this Hell.
My XN, came by my house this morning while I dressed for work. I knew the minute I saw him he had not been home. When I asked if he stayed HM, and where he stayed, the rage began. He started to tell me I was attacking him,after all the things he does for me to prove he cares for me, I still accuse him of... blah, blah, blah...After he tried to convince me he stayed at HM, he left as If he was so innocent. When I heard the front door close, I poked my head out of the door and told him that I knew he had been seeing *****(new supply's name). He did not say a word. He just got in the car and drove off. I know I surprised him. Knowing him the way I do, he will try and figure out all day how I
found out his secret. I must admit, I rec'vd gratification in letting him know that I was not as stupid ad he thought.
If all the research i've read is correct about him, he will be suffering a bit knowing that his "old" supply is on to him, and he has tapped out with me. Also, I have abandoned him, and that should bring about some anxiety.

What nerve! He spent the night with her, and came to me afterwards!!! How low can you go????
I am wondering now, with what I told him today, will he get a little nervous about going to *****'s house? He is very very Paranoid, or will he cling to her even tighter?? only curious. Whatever he does will not change my decision to walk away. I am finish with him. I am just curious how he will now act?? He may just run with his tail between his legs knowing that I am on to him. Comments???
Thanks for all the help.