I don't know but from what I can make out from being around two Ns in my life. My husband and a friend. I think and this is just me that they are very aware they are doing wrong THEY KNOW IT but do it anyway. They get some kind of Power High off it. They plan it. If everthing is going well they can't stand it they need to f**k it up. They do not know *normal*( so when it really is) it is not to them. They are compelled to do this. If they are not causing harm or thinking others are causing harm to them then they are not living (as the only way they ever knew how). They need to pull it off, or keep it secret, get you before you get them, its a doggie dog world, you don't get things you take them, either you step on people or they will step on you. This at least for me is how the two people I was close to thought and acted on.
And they even had people with certain roles, kids will be used this way, friends this way, job that way, They always had a plan with everyone. My, my talk about wearing all kinds of hats but theirs was always some kind of motive to self serve them even if they had to mentally beat it out of you. They are very talented at turning people against each other to where no one knows who started the war in the first place but somehow they are always in the background, the injured party, my ass. But they do find people to nurture them sometimes the people we love the most,children,parents, sisters, brothers and there is nothing we can do about it but step out.
Because I did not think or agree with their way of thinking they tried to punish me for having my own thoughts, mind and life. They did everything to sabotage me. They went to extremes to hurt me watch me in pain. They bought other (innocent people into it to try to punish me through them when they couldn't get to me by themselves). They seen they were losing control of working my emotions and went berserk trying to gain back control. Like that song, They smile in your face all the time they want to take your place, the back stabbers, yes they are.
When I finally figured this out and what they were trying to do I was very calm and let them knock themselves out.
Even if you want to punch them right in their faces and I have felt like that many of times, I showed no emotion. I did not react as hard as it freaking was not too and then they finally moved on to other supply.
But I do feel they know it's wrong that is who they are that is how they live. To them being alive is causing harm, pain is life to them maybe that is the only way they can feel, sad as it may be. Like when they see the results of such trauma and pain others are going through it's a little pinch to them, shew look I'm still alive and being noticed. When they can't cause pain or hurt anymore then they are not feeling alive and that is when they move on for someone else to remind them they are alive through the new pain they cause to the new people. I dunno maybe I'm wrong but this is how I think it may be. But who really knows what goes on in their heads. Why they do the things they do. Just don't know.