I sure hope you're right.
That was very BEAUTIFUL
I've been deep in the void a few times. Major times. I'm talking losing myself in a relationship and suffering when it ended and I had to pick myself up and create a life and decide who I was and what I liked to do then do it even though I didn't have the energy to brush my teeth. Whew.
This is my fourth VOID, Storm.
Oh no <picturing future dating scenarios and explaining who I am> BLECH.
<singsong cheerleader voice> Hi, I'm Francie and I'm an Aries and I've been through the void 4 times so I'm going to be hard to kill but if you're the right guy you'll be able to put me so deep in I won't be able to scratch my way clear. Do you think you're the guy with the ability to create the PERFECT VOID?
If so, why? Have any of your past relationships ended in complete insanity for your partner?
Are you being stalked currently?
Are you stalking anyone currently?
How many Thanksgiving dinners do you currently have to eat during the Holidays?
How many ex wives do you get to torture currently?
I want to make sure you have enough time to torture me, proper. <nodding>
Ummmm, sorry. Back to the void.
I'll worry about defending my boundaries next week.
There's a pattern to this void stuff and knowing that takes some of the fear out of it.
I don't have to worry about it lasting forever any more,
which was a very real fear during that first void.
After all, I didn't know what was happening to me. I'd never been there before. I'd never had to FILL it before. I didn't know it needed filling. <shrug>
Who knows this stuff?
The second time I knew where I was and why, but still didn't know when it would end or exactly how.
The third I knew what it was and how to get out, it was just a matter of time.
Sure enough, I got myself up and out and
come to think of it.
<scratching head>
But my point is
The last time I moved through the void, it was very quickly.
I'd been there, done that.
Less fear bc it was familiar.
I had more information. Really, there is a process and pattern to the void. You'll have this lesson too, soon enough.
You also have the advantage of knowing about N's and that means you can avoid them in the future. You're that far ahead now too. BIG.
Nothing, good nor bad, lasts forever.
There's a reason people say that.