You make me smile as always, Portia. And no - you realised, totally, you, yourself. I think I know what you are referring to but I was struggling in a totally different direction. I'd have liked to have kept the kudos ('making a difference'

) but fair's fair!

Just a partial answer for you about the Myers Briggs - there are lots of mini-tests available on the internet but Myers and Briggs would turn in their respective graves if they knew. It takes quite a bit of time and energy to train to administer these tests. I wouldn't get anywhere if I tried to 'do' it on myself. Plus you're advised to answer the questions very quickly ie don't think too much. It does work that way best, answering the multiple choice questions they give you - it's about preferences between alternatives rather than outright value judgements.
The bit I found most helpful was the Introvert/Extravert distinction. Dorothy Rowe presents the theory that in every marriage there is always one of each (tho could be anywhere on the scale) never ever two the same. Yet, we have such different and opposing views of 'Life' that we often end up in misunderstandings and conflict.
My H is off the scale for I; I'm off the scale for E. (Great for knowing who I am; discerning by contrast). He knows I need his company; I know he needs his quiet alone space. So I don't worry about him being 'isolated' AND I don't think he needs what I need - the company of people. It means I don't expect him to want to go socialising. Rats!
Just to really confuse things tho - he's a sociable introvert and I'm a shy extravert. Another reason for getting it done professionally if you want to use it as a serious tool for self-discovery or understanding others in relation to yourself.
We both read the Dorothy Rowe books not long after we got married - made a difference in terms of tolerance, recognition and understanding!!
When I want to explain it in a nutshell, I use her 'desert island' analogy (or Steve McQueen with his baseball in The Great Escape). Who, out of the two of you would be happy on a desert island? My H would be happy as Larry. Put me in isolation and I 'die'. That's the difference.
Fascinating stuff!!! Thanks for letting me share!!!
PS Re the concept of personality - the Community Psychiatric Nurse left me with my mouth hanging open (pre-NPD-awareness) when she said about my mother - you won't change someone's personality...(we were talking about my mother's negative way of reacting to the world and I was talking in NLP mode - change your mind, change your life).

I still haven't quite moved forward from that point. It's what we come into the world with and what makes us 'who we are' - and the main reason why the same mother has kids who react in different ways to the same behaviour. Nurture has an impact but nature came first.
PPS It really hurts not to know those intimate details of your life that really matter. Acknowledged and validated. R