I am 34 years old, a mother of two, a wife and a graduate of an ivy league law school, and I cannot figure out if I was *really* abused as a child or not. I sure show a lot of the signs, but my family insists that I was loved and never abused and it is selfish and horrible of me to even suggest I was. Let me tell you my story...yes, it will be long.
My mom and dad divorced when I was 2. My mom says it was because my dad was having fainting spells and would not go to the doctor and she was scared he would drop me while fainting and I'd be injured, but I believe it was really due to the fact that my grandmother "recalled" her. While working in therapy, my therapist told me she thought my family sounded a lot like a cult, and that cults often "recall" their members who have escaped and somehow compel them to return even to horrible, abusive situations - that is why I use that term. Long story short, mom moved back in with grandma and aunt (who has never left home) and I was raised there. My aunt even admitted to me she got up in court and lied to the judge and said my dad abused myself and my mom so he couldn't get unsupervised visits with me. Why? I have no idea, except for that she wanted me to belong only to the "family." Well, I was always the "perfect little angel." I was always told how beautiful I was, how gorgeous, the most gorgeous child in the world, even! I could be in pageants, and should be if I weren't so shy. It was always about my looks. Well, I was a painfully shy kid, and was constantly made fun of in school. My family made me wear my hair long (we are talking butt-grazing long) even when the style was short hair and wear impossibly weird clothes to school, stuff like white blouses with huge ruffles and lots of lace. I just wanted to be normal, like the other kids, but I was dressed like a doll constantly. For every occasion at school, even a play where everyone else was wearing sheets their moms cut arm-holes in, I had to have a hand-made, authentic costume. It was humiliating. In addition to that, my family fought brutally in front of me. I once saw my grandma put out a cigarette on my aunt's cheek and saw my aunt remove all of her clothes at the kitchen table to "make a point" that she would give ANYTHING to my grandmother. My life was in constant turmoil. My grandmother would do things like say she was leaving and I had a choice - I could go with her and never seem my mom again or stay with my mom and never see her again. Not surprisingly, I developed a severe anxiety disorder at the age of 6 and had my first full-blown panic attack at 11. I then developed anorexia at 13 and nearly died. I was always told to be beautiful and perfect, well dammit I was trying to be!
When I was 15, I developed a crush on a guy my family hated because he was from a poor family and it looked bad for me to date him. Well, they were so determined that I would have nothing to do with him that my aunt threw me on the bed and choked me while we were having a heated discussion about it and she would go into my high school and wait outside the door of my last class for me every day and then march me to my locker to get my books and then out to the car to go home so I wouldn't talk to him in the hallway. I nearly died of humiliation. Things have been this way throughout my life. My aunt is a sick person who has never had the courage to leave my grandma. She had a daughter out of wedlock who tragically died of brain cancer and now she has a shrine built to her in their home. She is a professional "victim" who refuses to even consider healing at all. If you don't send her daughter something for Christmas, yes, even though she is no longer living, my aunt becomes extremely upset. My grandma is the most narcissistic person I have ever known. She had a heart attack last December and while she was lying in the hospital bed having nearly died she was griping my sister out for having "greasy hair." I have finally realized she does all this because she thinks it reflects badly on her! My aunt used to start singing whenever I would talk and try to express my feelings of how bad they hurt me. This is the ultimate in "voicelessness" to me - she treated me like I totally didn't matter and what I had to say was so trivial that she didn't even hear me. When I was crying, begging, even cutting my wrists, she would turn away and begin singing a happy tune and talking to my grandma about what was for dinner that night. My mom was just absent, never a mom to me. She gave all control and power over to my grandma and aunt.
The latest insult to me is that they have decided that I am not capable of being a mother to my two children. They have called the police on my husband and myself, claiming we abuse our children (we have been cleared). They even reported my husband sexually abused my daughter, which is a lie. They hate my husband because he will not buckle under and take their stuff - he stands up to them. They call him "white trash" and say I should be with someone more befitting me - a good "Christian" man, though they have no idea what it means to be Christian at all. My mother called the police and told them I was planning, with my husband, to drown our 5 year old daughter in a swimming pool. Now, my mom wants to know why I won't see her or let her have anything to do with my kids. I have had to change my phone number to keep her from calling, but I fear she will call the police on us again and we'll have to go through more trauma with that.
As for me, I am a mess. I have severe phobias - health anxiety (I am a hypochondriac and am convinced I am dying of a heart arrhythmia even though I have been to numerous doctors who all have told me I'm fine), I fear elevators so much I've had to take a job paying a lot less than I could make because it's in a one-story building. I have panic attacks and nightmares. I have body image problems and hate to even look at myself in pictures or see myself nude in a mirror - I can't even be nude in front of my own husband. I have been suicidal in the past and was a "cutter" for a long time. I am a self-defeatist - I went to a top law school but I work for $15 per hour and have failed the bar exam. I can't even get motivated to study. I could be and do a lot more, but I am convinced I am nothing. I am not in therapy right now because we don't have insurance. I'm studying for the bar exam and working part time and my husband is a contract employee who doesn't have insurance benefits. I want to change, to heal but I can't seem to. I am very motivated to change my life but can't find out how.
Thanks for listening....