Try 'Toxic Parents' and 'Emotional Blackmail', el, and anything else you can find by Susan Forward.
Hit a used bookstore - being at university you should have a fair number of them close by - hopefully they'll let you skim through books, so you can buy only the ones that are helpful based on an actual look at their contents.
Look for anything you can find by Janet Geringer Woititz, and skim it while you are there. She wrote mostly in the 1980s, for adult children of alcoholics, but the issues ACOAs face are much the same as ACODFs [DFs = dysfunctional families] face.
Also look for a book called People of the Lie, by Scott Peck. This book won't so much teach you what to do about what you have been through as it will teach you how to see it, how to sort out the lies and posturing from what really went on. [Edit in: oopsie, I see you read this one. Somehow I missed that. It was one of the most useful for me - I hope you'll find it increasingly useful as time goes on.]
And try a book called Without Conscience by Robert Hare, also a book called Snakes in Suits by Dr. Hare and John Babiak. There is also a book called The Sociopath Next Door which I have not read but want to...
Something a bit radical now. I'm over 50 and don't know how college courses are structured anymore [I was shocked to discover that kids don't have mandatory phys ed in school these days, that's how out of touch I am, I have no children] but... if you have time and it fits in and you think it could help... consider taking a criminology class, but look for one that emphasizes criminal psychology. Forensic psychology, this would be. You can probably audit it without having to take prerequisite classes.
One word of caution. Once you know how to 'see', you can't become blind again, and you may find that you encounter a great deal of denial in your daily life, and there is pretty much nothing you can do about most of it. This is frustrating, and it really can wear a person down. You will also find that once you know how to 'see', you also know how to 'see through', and there is even more denial associated with this. What I mean is you will recognize phonies like tayana's mother, because you will sense that they are 'trying too hard', you will be able to detect a certain 'staginess' in their actions and words, you'll be able to see them 'watching' to see if the bait is being taken, and you'll be able to see their teeth gleaming - it's a metaphor but I swear that is exactly what it feels like - when they describe how they harm or constrain others, how they ambushed someone psychologically, how they took something away from someone. That little glint of nasty triumph. It will be obvious to you.
I do not mean that you will be hypervigilant and regard every human on the planet as a potential enemy - that 'one extreme or the other' business is a major distortion and something to be rejected whenever you hear it from anyone. [helpful hint: when folks take something you do or say and push it to the extreme of a continuum in order to make it 'bad', they're practicing a form of distortion, and they're telling you a lot about themselves. This is a defense mechanism. Heed the message.]
What I mean is that your subconscious mind will be much more in tune to and allied with your conscious mind. It's the subconscious that usually picks up the 'cues', if the conscious isn't prepared to receive them, the observation does nothing but make you feel uneasy. If you can get these two levels of awareness well attuned and working together, you'll be amazed not only at what you see, but what you can figure out, and how fast it falls into place. And you'll have a lot of confidence in your own ability to understand and interpret. It will feel solid to you, because it will be solid.
I know this because it's been my own journey, more or less.
I did some searches. With 'adult children of batterers' I got ONE hit. Unfreakingbelievable. I got much more when I searched on 'battered children grow up' - over a million hits. Here: with 'abused children grow up' I got 1.3 million hits. Here: this helps.