Hi Sally
YES! Watch what each generation hands down to the next. It's absolutely amazing how these things become part of each person and move through time that way.
In my mother's family, there was a Favored Child. It was not my mother. In my father's family, there was a Favored Child. It was not my father. Both of the Favored Children turned out to be total foul-ups. So, in my own family, there was a Favored Child, who turned out to be a total foul-up.
I've seen another family in which, for three generations, the daughter has become estranged from the mother. I grew up with Generation 3, the granddaughter was my friend in junior high and high school. From what I saw then, thinking about it now, each mother repeated the EXACT same behavior that estranged her, when dealing with the daughter... then wondered how this could have happened to HER.
The problem in that family, from what I observed, was basically envy of the daughter by the mother... this was denied, because there was also a huge amount of 'Look At Me, Aren't I A WONDERFUL Mother?' being broadcast to the rest of the world. Hand made dresses, Brownie troop mother stuff, etc., but while all that was going on, so were all sorts of covertly hostile little zings and picks; undermining; snide, mean comments about the girl's 'best feature'; punishments that didn't fit the crime, etc.
I saw my friend's mother say things to her - in front of me, sometimes in front of adults too, like at school recitals - that made my jaw drop, and I was maybe fourteen. Plenty old enough to recognize hostility when I heard it. And then when Grandma came to visit, I saw the exact same drama play out... Gramma would slam Momma in front of the kids, in front of the menfolks, in church, anywhere she felt like it. Zing, zing, pick, pick, zing, zing, zing, then she'd produce a lemon pie, and oh my, "did you ever see anyone do more for her child, aren't I just the most LOVING creature on the planet".
I lost touch with my friend halfway through college. She dropped out to marry a young man who drank, heavily. I remember how my heart sank when she wrote to tell me this... and never wrote again.
I wonder if she managed to see and break the cycle, or if she, too, is wondering why her own daughter - if she had one - generation 4, this would be - 'blows up at her over nothing', the way she did with her mother, the way her mother did with grandma. Of course, it wasn't 'over nothing'. It was over a lifetime of petty humiliations and small nasty snipes, buried under the pretense of love.
So watch the family heirlooms. There can be a huge amount of baggage in them. As you are seeing, as you too are saying, right here right now...
One bit of cautious advice re 'scripts' and 'not taking things personally'. I agree 1000% about scripts, I think many families program their members to follow scripts. My school chum was following a script, and so was her mother, in one sense.
But that business about not taking it personally: be careful with that. It is true, in the sense that anyone else in your position, if they met the basic requirements, would get the same nonsense you have gotten / are getting [I wonder what would have happened to my high school chum if she'd been a boy, for instance]. But it is also not true, in the sense that - whether or not it is aimed at you personally, it does damage You.
You as a person.
You, personally, ARE harmed by this nonsense; not some 'concept' out somewhere beyond the end of your arm. YOU are experiencing abuse, and it hurts.
So there's a balance to be struck between realizing that they'd do this to anyone in your place, because they are abusers and that is what they do, and also realizing that this fact does NOT cancel out the destructive effect of what they are doing, to the person they are doing it to, which just happens to be you.
Hmm. I think I actually managed to explain that in a way that makes sense

Edit in: oh wow. You know what? I was ambivalent about having children all my life, until the option was permanently closed off a decade ago... and it was because I could see just what a mess my parents were making, I could see just what a mess some of my aunts and uncles were making, I saw how unhappy my school friend was, I saw how even more unhappy another one of my friends was [she was the child of a shotgun wedding and her mother treated her like dirt, while fawning all over the children who were born after she was]... and I just never saw a
good family, I never really saw a
good set of parents!* I was worried sick that I'd either repeat my own family's mistakes or do worse by trying to do better.
What a sad way to break the cycle of abuse. But at least it is broken. It ended here, with me.
*Edit in, again: my God, I really didn't. I'm thinking about the well-to-do kids I met in high school and college... every one of them had parents who drank, or didn't think a girl should have an education, or ran around on one another so obviously that it was a neighborhood joke. My God.