tayana... she was a decorator?
oh, that explains so much. her entire life was about surfaces and appearances, about image.
i'm not putting down decorators, a really good decorator will bring out the 'soul' of a place. just saying... there are a lot of not so good ones out there who are just into the latest 'look'; every place they 'do' feels empty and cold.
CB is right. when meanness fails, she'll probably try the 'helpful' thing next. It's about control.
But that's not the end of the line. When that fails, watch for her to try the 'frosty superior attitude' thing. That's a fallback position when an N realizes you've got his or her number but good; the nose goes into the air and the fingers go into the ears. [And at least in the case of my mother, the rumors go into the mill, and the knives go into the back

This will still be about control, but not about controlling you; once she realizes she can't control you, she'll shift her efforts to controlling others' perceptions of her and of you. Image management. Once Ns discover this behavior, they resort to it very quickly when someone is 'on' to them and refuses to be controlled by them. It's basically the mean routine, left in the freezer overnight.
Since she's already giving you the silent treatment, hopefully she'll move into this mode sooner rather than later. It will give you a break. However, don't let your guard down. Given her past criminal history, she's perfectly capable of further escapades involving your money and her mitts, regardless of which act she happens to be putting on at any given time.
Edit in: This is basically your standard bully behavior. I've been on and off the site this last week, I think it was elculbr who found Tim Field's bullying site, let me put a link here and see if you recognize the symptoms.
http://www.bullyonline.org/familybully/index.htm this is the family bullying page
this is the attention-seeker profile - on first glance it does look a lot like your mother's patterns
http://www.bullyonline.org/workbully/serial.htm#Typeshope this helps. the more you understand, the better your conscious defenses can become...