That's heartbreaking about the blanket. After all the work you put in - what an ungrateful cow (but only to be expected of an N).
I remember making an embroidered picture for my NMum once, when I was about 15. It was a tapestry of a large white cat, sitting on a table with a (complicated!) vase of flowers next to it. I chose that kit to do, because we had a cat just like the one in the picture. Took me hours to do, all in secret in my bedroom. When I gave it to her, all she said was ' Our cat's got GREEN eyes - this one's got YELLOW eyes - that's not right'. So I had to unframe it, unpick the yellow and do green, then frame it again. She put it on the wall in her bedroom, but - and here's the REALLY N bit - whenever she was annoyed with me, off the wall would come the picture, and under the bed with it. Sometimes, it was like a bloody yo-yo, it was up and down so often. I got so that, as I walked past her bedroom, I'd glance in to see the 'barometer' of her feelings about me that day. Just like she planned, I suppose.
They don't appreciate anything artistic, Tayana - it's too much of a threat.
I think it's great that you made so many presents. People should do that more. It'd take some of the tackiness out of Christmas.
As for letting her come round to help you clean your new place...