Oh you mean when my ex was upset because of his magical thinking of some girl he was going to zero in on totally blew him off and had no such feelings or thoughts. She had no clue what he was up too. I guess she didn't give the supply he thought he was going to get. He devalued her also when he learned it was a NO WAY going to happen.
I didn't know at the time until he was so upset the more I asked whats wrong the more he said nothing and got more angry. Then came in the THEY ALWAYS TELL ON THEMSELVES.
Me: Whats wrong you are acting weird
Him: Nothing I'm fine, looking miserable
Me: Are you sure, your acting like something happened
Him: You always want to argue
Me: I'm not, I'm simply asking a question. You look like something is bothering you.
Him: See this is why men talk to other women. Not Me. I'm just saying, if you keep asking nagging then they meet other
people that they enjoy the conversation, you know good friends, (NOT SEXUAL) just friends, not me but it does
Me: You really are a dumbass aren't you?
Him: Eyes deer caught in headlights.
If the narcissist gets upset, the victim will begin trying to find out WHY at first. This will result in the narcissist ignoring the question, twisting the conversation, making things appear as though the victim "ALWAYS HAS SOME ISSUE OR PROBLEM AND IS JUST TRYING TO CAUSE TROUBLE OR UPSET THE NARCISSIST
Oh yeah!! Been there done that.