Routine is a big thing for him. He didn't get to go to the library this week, and it really upset him. We usually go every Saturday. I told him we might go tonight, just so he gets to go. Although I don't really have time for it with all the packing that still needs to get done, and I also have my T session tonight. I told him we really shouldn't borrow too many things from the library right now, since they'll get lost in the move.
One of the things I'm planning to do is create a family schedule, like on SuperNanny, so that we have set times for everything and he knows what to expect. We're also going to have consistent house rules, not this it's okay one day, and not okay the next.
I'm hoping he learns to like this new place, and after we talked about all the positives last night, he seemed more enthusiastic.
She wants to rule him/you with fear.
Can you imagine if she wins that one?
In either case?
I'm glad I'm doing this now, and not in a few more years when M is a little older, and Grandma has consistently let him get away with things she shouldn't, and then instilled in him this sense of he can never do anything right.
I remember when I was about 13, and I had to take Home Ec. One of our projects was to sew a shirt. Well, I knew nothing about sewing, and I did my best with the shirt, but my sleeves were uneven and I'd sewed the shirt crooked. My mother ridiculed my efforts, ripping out what I'd done and sewed it herself. It always felt like such a cheat when my shirt was selected to hang in a special display, and I'd not done anything with it. I never wore it. I also never tried to sew again. To this day, my mother routinely brings up my failings with my one attempt at sewing if I even mention the subject. I would like to learn to sew now, but I've never said a thing to my mother, because she would only throw my failure in my face.
I think part of growing is learning and trying new things, even if we don't like them. I don't believe in trying something once and quitting, but at least giving it a fair shot before putting it aside. I taught myself to knit out of sheer determination, even though my mother told me I couldn't do it.
M wants to try things, and he consistently hears, you wouldn't like it. You'll only get hurt. I want him to be able to try new things, because I never got to.
Typical kids have just as much trouble with transitions and sometimes he handles the transitions and conversations about them better than any child could. That's bc you rock as a mama.
I don't know how much he really listens, and how much he just tunes me out. He does that alot, just tunes me out. It seems like we've been having the "I don't want to move" discussion at least once a week since we started talking about it. I guess last night was my lucky night.
Thanks for the confidence, Lighter, I really needed that. I hope I do rock as a mama. I'm going to need every ounce of mama strength I can get in the next few weeks I think.