Hi Lighter - Yes I walk on eggshells. I am scared of him. What he can do to me mentally, emotionally (I'm tired of hurting) and to my career. I worked really hard after my divorce to build myself back up. To even think I was worthy of breathing air. I thought I had this mastered and he came along. I kept the walls up for awhile and then let them down. What happens, his true side comes out and eats me alive. All those raw feelings have come back out. The difference is now everyone thinks he is so wonderful because he only attacks when others aren't around. When we're in public, he goes on and on how I'm such a good cook, a great person, blah, blah, blah. I feel like I'm going crazy. As said earlier, his mother is dying, I give him space. It's quiet when he's gone. He wasn't home by 5AM this morning so I called his mom's house to see if he was O.k. He gets really upset and sarcastic because I said that I was waiting up for him. Instead of saying that's nice but I'll be home later - go to sleep or nothing at all, I get ridiculed. I want someone to appreciate me. I've tried soooooo hard all my life to be good to people - treat them like you want to be treated. I can't say I've received that in return. I WANT OUT BUT I'm soo scared. What would people think of me if I left him while his mother is dying? You guys are great RESA