Hi Lighter,
I'm not sure this will help, but when I met my husband in 1992, he had a precious little boy from a previous marriage. She had cheated on him & just could not bear to face her if at all possible.
So, I just took over that role. I wrote the child support check. I went & picked him up from where ever he was. I became his scout mom. I took him shopping for school clothes. I made ALL the phone calls to arrange when & where to pick him up.
The ONLY thing my husband had to do was go to ONE teacher conference where it was just the parents & child & teacher. A one on one deal. I kept my mouth shut, but I was there for moral support. Get this: SHE was betrayed by her NEW husband. Just like she did my husband (her ex).
She called ME for moral support! I know, VERY weird! But she knew me very well by then & knew I wasn't a mean person. But boy did my husband enjoy the irony! He just stayed out of it.
I don't know if you have a person that that who could run interference for you.
But, It is possible. That precious "little" boy will be 23 years old this Saturday. And he LOVES me. We are very close.
Good luck!