Author Topic: I Want to End My Lonely "Marriage"  (Read 5678 times)


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Re: I Want to End My Lonely "Marriage"
« Reply #15 on: June 30, 2007, 03:47:38 PM »
Dear Changing.
  I don't know how I missed your story. Yesterday, was a huge emotional day for me ,so I guess that is how.
   I wanted to speak to your "feeling guilty. My "primary"emotion, sometimes , feels like it is guilt. I feel guilty for no reason. Then ,if there is a little reason, I feel REALLY guilty.
    I realize that my mother controlled me with guilt, That way, I would not have any strength to go against her.
  It is a step by step process of facing the truth about our life and our emotions. However, I am healing. I wish that I could just "get it over with" ,but it is step by step. Keep writing and sharing        A Big   Hug   Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: I Want to End My Lonely "Marriage"
« Reply #16 on: June 30, 2007, 04:34:31 PM »
Lighter and Ami-

You are awesome. It really helps to have your support and feedback. Actually, Lighter, it was an extra refrigerator, but I think he may have taken my cell phone (not sure yet)!

Thank you again,



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Re: I Want to End My Lonely "Marriage"
« Reply #17 on: June 30, 2007, 09:03:19 PM »
Good Lord ((((((((changing))))))))

what you are going through, what you have been through, I can't get my mind around this. I'm literally speechless.

(((((((((( ))))))))))

So sorry... you have been so alone, for so very long.
The only way out is through, and the only way to win is not to play.

"... truth is all I can stand to live with." -- Moonlight52


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Re: I Want to End My Lonely "Marriage"
« Reply #18 on: July 01, 2007, 02:02:08 AM »
Glad to hear you're still in frozen desserts, lol. 

How's it going? 

Is he leaving you alone, I hope? 

If he is, it's a blessing in disguise. 


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Re: I Want to End My Lonely "Marriage"
« Reply #19 on: July 01, 2007, 04:44:53 AM »
Hello Lighter-

NH called and gave me a phone number and post office box address. I cut the conversation short, and had a lovely, peaceful evening. It certainly helps a great deal to have a chance to express what is going on, and to learn from the experience of others. But it is the interest, kindness and support of this board that makes it, and the members, a real treasure.

Thank you and hugs,



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Re: I Want to End My Lonely "Marriage"
« Reply #20 on: July 01, 2007, 10:41:59 AM »
Thank you, ((((((((((((Changing)))))))))))))).

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: I Want to End My Lonely "Marriage"
« Reply #21 on: July 01, 2007, 02:06:59 PM »
Glad to hear you didn't allow him to waste your time..... or dignity.

Time to ignore him like he's an unwelcome ghost stalking you with maliciouse intent to do harm to you.

Keep in mind, it takes an average of 6 weeks NO CONTACT (with your average bear stalker) to get him to lose interest.

You HAVE to have contact with him bc of the divorce.  Darnit.  

If you find you can't keep it ALL BUSINESS, then ask your attorney to demand all future correspondence go through his office.  Have you begun shopping attorneys?

Begin shutting down anything and everything that your N has access to.  

Close joint bank accounts.  Savings accounts.  Who's name is on the house, utilities, tax bill, car insurance, tag information, car titles, safety deposit box, who has access to important papers?  Did you file jointly on your taxes?  How are you handling that?  When was the last instance of physical abuse?  Can you file charges now?  Are you afraid he'll hurt you again?  Should you be?  

Unfortunately, attorneys and pretty much everyone tends to downplay physical violence.  Don't do it to yourself.  Domestic violence needs to be noted in the file as a factor in dealing with the divorce.  DO NOT LET THEM PHRASE IT IN SOME CUTE WAY THAT DISMISSES IT!  

Now... playing devil's advocate for ya here..... the reason they want to downplay the violence and any other cause of action, like cheating, is because it muddies the water and adds time to the proceedings.  Most people file under Irreconcilable Differences, no matter what happened because it's easiest and in my state, the division of property is still 50/50 no matter what happened in the marriage.  

Downplaying violence in the beginning makes it harder to looke consistent and credible if your N behaves abusively towards you during the divorce proceeding.  It's a catch 22, damned if you do and damned if you don't.  He'll whine and complain and say he has nothing but goodwill towards you if you file the divorce alleging cruel treatment.  He'll likely continue to be cruel if you don't.  Eh... he'll probably be cruel no matter but, you see how this goes?

Go to radio shack and get a slim little voice recorder.  I've used the Sony ICD-BH300 and had good luck.  Olympus makes one that that works well too.  You can record conversations with him face to face, conceal it or let him know you're recording.  Use your discretion.  

You can also record phone conversations.  I bought the Olympus TP7, which is in a little bnox about 3" by 1/2".  It's a small ear piece, cord and plug adaptors.  It's suitable for cell phones.  You insert the earpiece into your ear and put the phone against it so voice travels through earpiece, which is attached to MICROPHONE outlet on phone.  HOLD THE RECORDER AWAY FROM THE PHONE OR THE ENTIRE CONVERSATION WILL BE ONE BIG DISAPOINTING SQIU&EELING NOISE YOUR HEART CAN'T TAKE!

BTW, most of the people selling this stuff won't know any more than you do and they tend to take your money then send you out the door with impossibly wrong information that will waster your money and hours of your time and cause you lost opportunity.  Sorry so long but this is so frustrating when it happens to you!

Keep the recorder on you, making sure the cord isn't all messed up bc you'll pull the cord out of the recorder when you try to distance it from the phone in a hurry.  Not good.  You can always take your time then return a missed call after you get things situated and make sure you go over the record button and where to put recorder while recording.  Just drop it in your purse or something.  Be careful about what you say, remain calm and don't talk long.  If he's threatening you, get it the first time, not later when he's wants to chat amicably and downplay the threats and abuse.  You may not be afraid of him at this point.  I hope he just lets you go without any trouble.  Believe me, I do.

Do you need another credit card before you file?  There are lots of offers out there.... choose something with 0% interest through at least August of 2008.  Transfer balances from higher rate credit cards.  Prepare yourself for war.  No. Prepare yourself for an extended war, worst case scenario. Get your records together.  Expect him to make insane demands for things he has no claim to.  Expect him to drag this out.  Hit him hard with the divorce when you strike and keep him off balance.  Make sure your attorney understands that your N will most likely promise to cooporate then drag his feet and sabotage you at every turn.  

Most attorneys will SAY that they understand N's.  They will say they've heard it all.  Most divorces even normal people go a little nuts.  THIS IS DIFFERENT.  Your N will almost certainly be deviouse and criminal in his dealings with you.  Try to be as proactive as you can with protecting yourself in every direction.

Finding a COMPETENT attorney is key.  Finding one that practices in your jurisdiction/county regularly is key.  Finding one that has spent time as a Prosecutor may help you find an attorney who really does understand what you're telling him about the character of your N/sociopath.  Interviewing female attorneys known for aggressively defending the rights of abused women might be the way you go.  You have options and you should explore them all.  Your N can't hire anyone you've spoken to either.  Even if you have a short contact by phone, have your name put on their contact list so they don't even take your N's phone calls.  

Do you need to close private checking accounts?  Can you account for every check?  He may have stolen checks from the back of a book you have lying in the box of new unused checks.  Can you account for all your credit cards?  Do you have any joint credit cards?  

Begin journaling about your day.  What you did and what time.  That you are living in a bona fide state of separation starting on this day.  You don't want him charging 30K in new tvs and sterios only to find your stuck with half that debt, right?

Change your passwords.  Get new accounts set up, if in doubt.  ALL NEW STARTING NOW is a great idea.  It also shows you are consistent and separate as of now.  He won't have access.  If he has your cellphone, he has all the information in it too.  EVERYTHING.  Do you need to change things TODAY?  Make a list and begin methodically going through it.  Walking meditation for ya.  It will provide peace of mind and help you feel more in charge of your destiny, powerful and less at his mercy if you do these things.  

What about insurance?  Who's paying that?  Who's on it?  Do you need to cancel it or take him off your policy..... get insurance for yourself?  DO IT NOW while you can still think.  It only gets worse when the attorney bills begin and N begins messing with anything and everything he can in order to punish and lash out at you for attacking him with the divorce and robbing him of hiis God given right to exploit you.  

Protect your credit.  Is he on your cellphone account?  Are you on his?  He can have your phone suspended if he's on it.... or cancelled.  He can put a pass word on it if he has the last 4 digits of your SS# and knows the billing address.  You'll have to go into the store and produce ID to change the password and get your phone turned back on.  No big deal but..... he can do that even if he's not on the account.  Be proactive where you can.  If it's his cellphone account, you can have your number transferred ONLY WHILE IT'S STILL AN ACTIVE NUMBER.  Once he puts it on suspend, you can't take it with you.  

I realize I should have started a new thread for this.  Sorry it's so long ((changing))  but I sure wish someone had told me all this before I started this process.  You can also send copies of the STANDING ORDER to the insurance company and anyone else N may try to contact and make changes to accounts or policy's?  To the bank or credit card companies too.  To have on file.  He shouldn't change anything once the Divorce has been filed, though the court won't life a finger to stop him if he does.  What will happen is they will address it at the Temporary hearing, which you should get in 30 days but will prolly take about 45 to 90 days to get, so take copius notes and document document document.  Set up files in advance so you don't become overwhelmed with paperwork and have a place to put your notes.  Get a carry file that you can put things in for going out the door and keep up with easily.  CHANGE THE LOCKS AND ALARM CODE AT HOME!  Does he have a key to your car?  Where is that extra key, btw?  These are all things you should be on top of RIGHT NOW!  

Good luck


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Re: I Want to End My Lonely "Marriage"
« Reply #22 on: July 01, 2007, 02:20:15 PM »
I almost forgot.

Do you need a personal mailbox to send your mail to so N doesn't get it out of your mailbox?

Do you need to clean out a bank box or get a new one in a friends name? 

DO NOT STORE EVIDENCE IN YOUR CAR!  If you store it at home, can you put a deadbolt on a closet or your bedroom door? 

Don't trust that bank employees won't be schmoozed into giving him access to your accounts or security box.

Don't assume he doesn't have passwords. 



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Re: I Want to End My Lonely "Marriage"
« Reply #23 on: July 01, 2007, 04:45:09 PM »
Dear Changing,
   I am so glad that you are doing better.(((((((((((((((((Changing)))))))))))))  Love   Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: I Want to End My Lonely "Marriage"
« Reply #24 on: July 02, 2007, 02:59:58 AM »
Dearest Lighter and Amy-

Thank you for your help, I am so blessed to have your help, support and advice! Lighter, you are right- I have been barely able to cope- now I need to get moving on the legal aspects! You are also right about NH's criminal tendencies, and the rage at my taking care of myself. You are so generous in compiling all of that information and sending it to me- it is difficult for me to focus now, but I can follow a list. What a wonderful and precious gift. I feel less confused now-I haven't gotten a lawyer, closed accounts, anything, but I will tomorrow.

Thank you again,



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Re: I Want to End My Lonely "Marriage"
« Reply #25 on: July 02, 2007, 02:19:18 PM »
You're so welcome.

I want to make another suggestion. 

It would be a good thing if you could tell someone, if not several someone's about what's going on in your life. 

Having another head to keep you focused and bounce things off of is a good thing.  Maybe take you by the hand and help accomplish things on your list.  Visiting the bank.  Getting that bank box in her name and putting you on it as someone with access... giving you BOTH keys to the box or ONE, depending on how much you trust them.  Sitting down and helping you make calls to credit card companies and figure out bills.  You are overwhelmed and another person who isn't will help you stay focused and on track. 

If there's a friend or relative you trust, and be careful about who you DO trust, best to tell them now and get some support rathyer than wait, I promise.  I waited too long.  It was a grave mistake.  I'm paying now.  BE PROACTIVE!

Acting like everythings fine just works against you if things go spiraling out of control and nobody had a hint this was coming.  You'll look insane and N will help keep that image of you rolling.  NOT GOOD.

Tell them now.  The shame of people finding out stings less than the shame of people doubting you later on. 

Tell your friends and family and you won't have to dread their finding out any longer.  I promise, it isn's as bad as you think it will be and you need the support 

Accomplish getting your affairs in order and feel empowered.

Take charge of your life so you aren't constantly reacting. 

I'd rather be the proactive person guiding destiny any day.  How about you?

You're N doesn't expect you to adapt and make excellent choices. 

He expects you to fall apart and be helpless. 

Won't he be surprised, lol?  (And off balance  reacting to your offensive maneuvers)

Remember..... "Living well is the best revenge."   With all the crazy things that will be going through your mind.... remember this.  Fall apart when you really need to but make sure you're up and moving when you can be. 


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Re: I Want to End My Lonely "Marriage"
« Reply #26 on: July 07, 2007, 11:43:22 PM »
Lighter,Lighter, Lighter!

Your admonitions have been so valuable to me. Your generosity in sharing your wisdom has been a great help! I have tried to share my situiation more with the people in my life, but no one has given the care, concern, and detailed information to me (including pitfalls in my own thinking and actions), that you have. I haven't completed all of my assignments yet, but am coming along. Thank you again.




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Re: I Want to End My Lonely "Marriage"
« Reply #27 on: July 08, 2007, 10:08:24 AM »
Yet I feel like, if I were a competent woman, I could manage things better, and perhaps we would have been happy, perhaps he wouldn't be so disgusted with me, and he would have been inspired to act accordingly.

You aren't married to a competent man so it makes no difference what you do.
He will never be happy because he is seriously screwed up so it makes no difference what you do.
He's disgusted with himself so it makes no difference what you do.
He acts according to his animal instincts so it makes no difference what you do.
None of his behaviors that you describe is justified by any of your actions. They are his problems and there is no reason why they should continue to be yours for one more minute.

What he describes is most assuredly not the way all marriages end up nor is it the way any of them should.
If he has found a new place to live it ought to be a kennel or maybe a pig sty.



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Re: I Want to End My Lonely "Marriage"
« Reply #28 on: July 08, 2007, 10:39:51 AM »
Heh.... how do you really feel, Mud, lol? Don't hold back this time.

Changing..... how're you doing lately?  Still getting things on your list done?

Remember, you'll probably be sliding down walls now and again, very sad and you need to do that some.  Just don't forget it's your job to come out of being overwhelmed and continue to move forward. 
Try to appreciate the little things and count your  blessings.

Pssst.... ::whispering:: You're N being gone... is your biggest blessing right now. 

Let us know what's going on.  ((Changing))


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Re: I Want to End My Lonely "Marriage"
« Reply #29 on: July 08, 2007, 03:39:38 PM »
Mud you are a wonderful puddle of primordial good sense.

Lord love ya, man.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."