This article helpful as I try to avoid forgetting not to take N'ish bait.
So many attempts to hook me into disagreements, most of which are intended only to entertain the N'ish mind. Sometimes these remarks are so inflammatory that I forget and take the bait. Only after enduring the frustration and ultimately the pain that these exchanges bring, do I remember that I have a duty to myself to discount those argumentative statements down to zero. He just wants to piss me off for the fun of it.
As noted in the article, nobody can make me angry. When these things happen, I become angry. But I don't have to do that. I can ignore. I can laugh. I can say "You are so completely full of sh*t."
It's OK to defend and maintain your boundaries. Silence is one way; you don't owe anyone an explanation. Boundary maintenance is essentially an internal matter; your boundaries don't depend on what others say, think, feel, or believe.
You may choose to explain what you are doing, and also why (if you want). Remember to stay within your own boundaries when doing this, however; the fact that someone else has crashed on your boundaries is generally not a good reason to go crashing back.
I have a saying, "Paybacks are H*ll, especially mine." In other words, "If you hurt me, I will hurt you worse." I like the idea of not being available or vulnerable to the hurt, and not having to spend any time on payback. It seems that the less seriously I take everything having to do with my H and his N tendencies, the better everything goes. But I have a hard time not reacting to something sooner or later.
Any tips on ignoring and being invulnerable to foolish/deliberate N disagreements?