Author Topic: most narcissistic comments ever  (Read 45155 times)


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Re: most narcissistic comments ever
« Reply #195 on: July 02, 2007, 07:45:48 AM »
Oh have I got a doozy!
I'll set the scene for you:
We are having an argument in a hotel in Rome, Italy. (Me & N mother)
She had just spent the day humiliating me in front of our tour group.
After I cried (as usual), & asked her why she treated her own flesh & blood this way, she starts crying & says (ready??? WAIT FOR IT...OK, here it comes!!!)
"I have NEVER had a mother who loved me & sat me on her lap & brushed my hair!"
*sniff sniff*.
You know what I said??? I said...calmly (I'm proud of that!)
"Me either, mother!"
You know what she said??? NOTHING!!!!
No empathy, did not use that moment to apologize, not fall into each other's arms with over due regret. NOTHING!!!
Oh, BTW, her brother & sister SWEARS she wanted nothing to do with her parents! Treated them coldly from the time she was little. So, I'm not sure if I believe her story of abuse!
My grandma (who really was a sweet woman), used to cry to ME & ask me "why does your mom hate me so much!" I used to tell her "I don't know grandma, but she hates me, too!"
"Sure I'd like to beat Notre Dame, don't get me wrong. But nothing matters more than beating that cow college on the other side of the state." -- Coach Bear Bryant....
          To a group of boosters before an Auburn game.


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Re: most narcissistic comments ever
« Reply #196 on: July 02, 2007, 11:23:56 AM »
Oh I forgot another doozy,
She called one day to tell me that her neighbors kids were making too much noise (in their own yard) for her to enjoy her beautiful yard & her wonderful gazebo. These are LITTLE kids, not music blaring teenagers.
So, she marches across the street & starts an argument with the mother. She tells me she says such things like "I pay my property taxes & you look like you are "white trash"!"
"Look at MY beautiful house & look how YOU live!"
You get the idea!
Anyway, the woman tells my N mother, she is doing the best she can, but her husband is in IRAQ & she is sorry!
You know what that no good N monster TOLD her???
My mother told me herself that she said that! She saw NOTHING wrong in telling that poor woman that! She also said ( as she marched back to her house) "I will call the POLICE on you next time I hear a peep out of those brats!"
Oh, the unmitigated gall!
I, on the other end of the phone, just sat there. What could I say. I've delt with her all my life. It does no good at all to confront her. NONE. So, whatever! My husband says that one day she'll talk like that to the wrong person! I know he's right!
"Sure I'd like to beat Notre Dame, don't get me wrong. But nothing matters more than beating that cow college on the other side of the state." -- Coach Bear Bryant....
          To a group of boosters before an Auburn game.